Pablo Valbuena’s Augmented Sculpture

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Ita€™s been a long time coming, but projection is slowly making its way out of the single, flat rectangle that so often constrains it. (Not that we dona€™t love single, flat rectangles, of course.) The idea itself isna€™t new, but artists are becoming increasingly interested in creating sculptural, three-dimensional projections. We saw Joanie Lemerciera€™s gorgeous Light Sculptures. Herea€™s another example of three-dimensional projections:

Pablo Valbuena, Augmented Sculpture [Artist page]
More info and video: Augmented Reality Sculpture Makes You Think You Are Tron [Gizmodo]

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VIA createdigitalmotion


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Posted: November 2nd, 2007
at 9:27am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,contemporary

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