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Gyorgy Kepes the artist whose work and thought embrace nature and technology; whose understanding of the determining factors of the energy field in which modern man day-dances, leads him to seek harmony of seemingly opposite forcesa€"and whose charismatic thought-prayers for a saner world have gathered around him for decades now a people of listeners, followers, admirers and disciples.

Gyorgy Kepes, as a mentally independent artist who does not invite interpretation by an art-jockey critic, has never invested much in a "style," and the total of his work reflects the many moods of the universe and the multi-faceted demands of the man-made world rather than "modern art’s" aesthetic chess games. An artist’s concern for his fellow citizens leads him to offer his services to the environment and its inhabitants; even if no mediating art agency, such as a museum or a gallery, is involved.



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Posted: November 2nd, 2007
at 8:21am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art

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