Bell & Ross BR01-97

It is, quite frankly, one of the ugliest watches I have ever seen, but there is no denying its incredible precision and craftsmanship. I guess the reason I love this watch so much is it really sticks to its 4 tenets: water resistance, readability, precision, and performance. No where do they claim to focus on beauty. These 4 things are the mantra. Designers, engineers, and fabricators look to this with laser focus. Beauty is not in this equation. Ita€™s too abstract. And like many Swiss modernists that have come before Bell and Ross, the beauty is the product of following these four tenets.



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Posted: October 30th, 2007
at 4:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: gear,design

Comments: 1 comment


One Response to 'Bell & Ross BR01-97'

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  1. i need a watch, too. but um, $10,000?? my word.


    30 Oct 07 at 7:52 pm



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