Quote of the Day

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a€oeThe bottom line is, it was a malicious hit. It was uncalled for. [Green] is like the scarecrow. He wants to get courage while I wasna€™t looking, and hit me in my knee instead of trying to hit me in my head. God dona€™t [sic] like ugly, you know what I mean? a€oeMy knee aina€™t [sic] never [sic] hurt like it hurt today,a€A Johnson said. a€oeIf you want to hit me, hit me in my head, hit me in my chest, dona€™t hit me in my knee. Ia€™m trying to eat just like everybody else. So, to hit me like that, that showed me what type of man he was.a€A [via]

wow… Travis Johnson elaborates on why quarterback Trent Green is "like the scarecrow"


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Posted: October 18th, 2007
at 12:45am by Black Ock

Categories: fo' real?,quote of the day

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  1. correct me if im wrong didn’t the lion want courage and the scarecrow a brain? Thats why dis big dumb motha fucka plays for the texans

    X da pimp

    19 Oct 07 at 5:04 pm



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