My Ninja, Please! 8/17/06: Further Signs of Impending Apocalypse


One thing’s for damn sure… the world’s done gone crazy. Sri Lankan ninjas are killing eachother left and right already - but now they even got buddhist monks beefing over there. My Ninja, Please! I’m not making this up:

COLOMBO (Reuters) - Protesters calling for an end to recent violence in Sri Lanka found themselves brawling with hardline Buddhist monks on Thursday, after a rally dubbed a "peace protest" turned unexpectedly violent.

What is really good when cats who pledge to practice charity on all sentient beings are beating the snot out of eachother? Nobody got killed tho, which is a good indication of the level of ninjahood in Sri Lanka… not exceptionally high. I mean it didn’t even make the list in the rigorous google trends test that we conducted.

Here’s more:
Some more moderate Buddhist monks, protesting for peace, were already on the stage when punches were thrown. Soon, monks’ robes and fists were flying, although no one was badly hurt, witnesses said.

"They were saying we should go to war," said pro-peace monk Madampawe Assagee. "We like to listen to other opinions so we let them do that but then they started fighting and we couldn’t control some of our people. They tried to make it a big fight but we settled it in a few minutes."
Article Via: Yahoo News via Reuters


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Posted: August 17th, 2006
at 2:43pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,life,politricks

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to 'My Ninja, Please! 8/17/06: Further Signs of Impending Apocalypse'

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  1. sri lankan buddhists are some feisty MF’s, and don’t misjudge their skills as ninjas either there is quite a history of these beefing buddhists. Some of the most hardcore buddhists (most fundamentalist) inhabit this island which according to some is specifically ordained as a land for buddhists. The state religion is buddhism although there is “religious freedom.” As my man Stark the Dutch would say these pasifists are quick to pass a fist in the name of buddhism. It is hard to blame humans for being human. for more info check out Buddism Betrayed?… by Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah who outlines some of the politricknowledgery and how buddhism currently and historically fits into the equation.

    nelron's hub

    19 Aug 06 at 4:16 pm


  2. it is hard to blame humans for being human.. thanks for the heads up nelron



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