Synergy and Such


SITO is a website for individual and collaborative artists. Here you will find art portfolios of hundreds of artists around the world. Also, creates and hosts a number of Internet-based collaborative art projects, including the award-winning Gridcosm and HyGrid.

The spiritual commandments of the Grid are also important. These are in accord with the original philosophy of Gridcosm.

  • Thou shalt blend unto thy neighbor’s gridsquare.
  • Thou shalt not hog the whole Grid to thyself.

The reason for these commandments is that the purpose of our game is collaboration. Like a jam session, you can’t just play solo. Like sex, it gets silly sometimes. When we are really in the groove, our 8 separate gridpieces and the motherpiece form a coherent whole, and it sings. Then we party in the Gridcosm forum, and post up things like "Wowie! That was fun!"


Check out the SITIO site for collaborative artists.


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Posted: October 5th, 2007
at 10:03am by Black Ock

Categories: art,contemporary

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