Baggy Pants? You’re Under Arrest

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You read it right - a number of cities across the country are considering creating laws that would make a ‘certain level’ of…baggyness (?) in your pants to be illegal. I hope these haters stay out of the Bean, or my ass might be in some trouble - my ninjas, please!

Jokes aside - sounds like some racialism to me. And where do we draw the line? The photo the AP is running with, shown above, shows some baggy pants - but I don’t see any boxers or ass crack. Can these two be arrested?

"In Atlanta, we see this as racial profiling," said Benetta Standly, statewide organizer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. "It’s going to target African-American male youths. There’s a fear with people associating the way you dress with crimes being committed."

I can see it now: ‘Hey you there - stop! You’re under arrest for walking while black!’. Best part of this foolishness? reading all these stories talking about baggy pants like they’re some kind of new trend for parents and citizens to fear - like ninjas haven’t been rocking the sagging slacks for a minute now.

Personally, I’m more offended by men (and some women) wearing pants that are too TIGHT…

::story via CNN::


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Posted: September 20th, 2007
at 7:17am by orangemenace

Categories: clothes,gear,fo' real?

Comments: 1 comment


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  1. i must agree ninja that if you were tight pants and i can see your underwear line i will gag!!! You gotta let your shit breathe ladies and for the men just let it hang aight!!!!

    Peace and Love
    X Da Pimp

    x da pimp

    20 Sep 07 at 1:32 pm



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