"What do flamboyantly dressed musicians have against the internet?"

Robert Starvation from re-generator is killin’ us with this hilarious post:


First it was Elton John with his cockamamie suggestion the Internet be shut down. Now, the likewise foppish Prince is threatening to sue YouTube, eBay and the Pirate Bay because he wants to a€oereclaim the internet.a€A

As a means of explaining away the full fruition of his Napoleon complex, Prince is offering this priceless gem: a€oeWe have to build a 21st century model for the entertainment industry.a€A Ita€™s true, the entertainment industry does, but Prince is using the same tactics that got the major labels in so much troatuble. a€oeSue everyonea€A still isna€™t a visionary business model for the 21st century.

Prince needs to go back to masturbating his custom-made guitar and leave the heavyweight thinking to a radical and pioneering artist like The Artist Formerly Known as Prince. -Robert Starvation

Check out re-generator

Or you could just watch this:

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Ok, that’s silly, I admit… but I saw a woman walking through Copley Plaza in Boston dressed like she should have been at this parade… sooo, that combined with the Prince song….

Sex!… It’s not that type of partayy - Prince (from the scene)


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Posted: September 16th, 2007
at 2:35pm by black octagons

Categories: music,celebrity,not ninja-worthy,business

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to '"What do flamboyantly dressed musicians have against the internet?"'

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  1. lol prince, prince, prince. I bet you that lil purple motha fucka pulled a scene from purple rain. He must of caught someone listen to his shit on an ipod and said: where did you get that from, person with ipod: wat oh this I got it from the internet, prince: SMACK!!!! lol. (I’m referring to the scene where prince smacks appleonia in the grill for the earring that morris day gave her)

    X da pimp

    18 Sep 07 at 8:21 pm


  2. by the way I love that song Trust by prince. When you watch the batman show at sixflags New England they play that Lol

    X da pimp

    18 Sep 07 at 8:24 pm



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