Protest will silence some online music

A swath of the Internet is set to go silent tomorrow [today], as online music broadcasters shut down to protest a plan that will sharply increase the royalties they pay to recording companies and musicians.

The Internet music royalty dispute began in March, when three federal judges appointed by Congress decided on a big increase, retroactive to 2006. Broadcasters will have to pay 5 percent more in music royalties for this year and last, and further hikes of 20 percent per year for the next three years. The new rates are supposed to take effect by mid-July.

But the Digital Music Association, which represents Internet broadcasters, has asked a federal court to suspend the increase pending an appeal. Such a delay would give Congress more time to act. Members of both political parties have filed legislation in Congress that would reduce Internet music royalties below their present level. Ades denounced the bills as "a cash grab by big Net radio."

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Posted: June 26th, 2007
at 9:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,web,not ninja-worthy,business,politricks,fo' real?

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