Performance artist ‘eats corgi’

Performance artist Mark McGowan has eaten what he claims was a cooked corgi in a protest over the Royal Family’s treatment of animals.

McGowan performed the stunt on London radio station Resonance FM, and shared his meal with fellow guest Yoko Ono.

"To me it was, as an art piece, exhilarating," he said after the show.

The artist’s protest concerned the alleged mistreatment of a fox during a hunt led by Prince Philip in January. The RSPCA said the fox did not suffer.

McGowan, who is a vegetarian, said he wanted his unusual meal to raise awareness about "the RSPCA’s inability to prosecute Prince Philip and his friends".

"We love our animals in Britain. Why is it then that we then allow people - especially people who are supposed to be ambassadors for this country - to treat animals with such disrespect?"

The corgi, which died at a breeding farm, was minced and cooked with apple, onion and seasoning.

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Posted: May 31st, 2007
at 10:09am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,art,grub,real life news

Comments: 3 comments


3 Responses to 'Performance artist ‘eats corgi’'

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  1. That’s just wrong this man should be arrested oh and didn’t mean man i meant GAY FAG.
    Even though it had died couldnt he have just done a normal protest I hope the queen knows and will soon do something about. ANIMAL KILLER!


    4 Jan 08 at 5:37 pm


  2. If you and all of Britan love animals so much then why would you eat a dog you animal killing gay fag who will die alone! >:(


    4 Jan 08 at 5:42 pm


  3. hes protestin fox huntin


    4 Jan 08 at 5:48 pm



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