Those Beautiful Border Stations

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Posted: August 11th, 2006
at 1:40pm by orangemenace

Categories: politricks,architecture

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to 'Those Beautiful Border Stations'

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  1. As a Latin/Hispanic AMERICAN… Stop saying that the Governent is racist. This is not about MEXICANS, this is about people who are ILLEGALLY SNEAKING into the US. It just so happens that Mexico makes less money and has worse social services so the lazy ones sneak across the border instead of doing the paperwork. It is a discrace, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS! Not undocumented citizens/migrants/workers/whatever. Call it as it is. They should feel unwelcome! They are not ALLOWED TO BE HERE!!! And anyone tell me, a Hispanic… That I am wrong!!!

    A Latino in MA

    12 Aug 06 at 2:41 am


  2. First off, allow me to distance myself from the blog as a whole. I wrote the post, but do not speak for MYNINJAPLEASE, so please do not hold the following against the site. Moving on, you are wrong, and I don’t care that you’re Hispanic. The article is about funding for aesthetically pleasing border stations, and the traveling exhibit showcasing them. The Mexican comment is a jab not at Mexicans, or Latin/Hispanic people, who ARE AMERICANS, by the way, but at the U.S. government’s current political views on immigration and ‘illegals’. You made this racial in your reply, and I don’t appreciate it. You also sound incredibly bigoted, like you listen to too much O’reilly. ‘Illegals are killing our economy, blah blah blah.’ No, war and ignorance is killing the economy. Illegals are doing the work that only people so desperate that they’ll do crap jobs for sub-minimum wage will do. So I applaud the work ethic that you so harshly denounced. Is it right that they come here? I don’t realy know. But are you wrong? I think so. And am I sorry for the post? Only because you misinterpreted it for a soap-box.


    12 Aug 06 at 7:42 pm



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