History of Hacking

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Well, things are moving a little slow around the Dojo today. It may be because Heroes came back on last night, and I was busy watching… or because the Red Sox swept the Yankees out of Fenway for the first time in 17 years. Or it may be that I’m still recovering from the shock that 1990 was 17 years ago.

In any case, check out this Discovery Channel documentary called "the History of Hacking." As far as hacking documentaries it’s one of the better ones I’ve seen, though that’s not saying much. It’s definitely worth a gander though.


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Posted: April 24th, 2007
at 10:52am by black octagons

Categories: youtube,computers,crime,web,weaponry,documentary

Comments: 13 comments


13 Responses to 'History of Hacking'

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  1. If HAcking is no a crime … then is it free for me to hack a online game ,,, … .. .

    if we can do so … plz telll me the ways ….


    27 Sep 07 at 2:51 am


  2. ..::Admin Bego, Pecat AjaDeh::..H A C K E DbyyanscloneSpecial Thank’sS’toDedicated
    All CrewJasakomers & echoerzHey admin…….do you a need help ?..:: Siapa Bilang Hacker Underground Udah mati ::..


    17 Nov 07 at 11:30 am


  3. i am a hacker any q i will see a anser k


    10 Jul 08 at 1:45 pm


  4. hey man .iam hacked from a person can you help me to return back my website plz ??


    28 Sep 08 at 7:18 am


  5. Ïîðíî

    24 Oct 08 at 8:45 am


  6. pls i want to hack a website database and how i colud gain login to an admin site


    6 Feb 10 at 1:29 am


  7. i want to hack my friends email id plz help me


    26 Jul 10 at 1:23 am


  8. i want to hack my friend email id pls help me


    7 Sep 10 at 7:10 am


  9. plz can i know about hacking


    7 Nov 10 at 4:15 am


  10. you idiots..if u wanna learn how to hack go to the damn book store. -_-


    10 Dec 10 at 7:49 pm


  11. whos the idiot nw how the hell you suposed to learn a hands on technique from someone who spends all there time writing a book or thinking about what the’ll write next come on you got to be smarter than that


    11 Dec 10 at 1:36 am


  12. @Sonic, nitesh, mani.ac… what you are trying to do, is named Cracking


    2 May 11 at 4:41 pm


  13. is hacking danger related?


    14 Oct 11 at 5:22 am



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