iceberg lettuce safe
You have never seen anything like this - but it is one of the latest security gadgets - and it is so cool!
It is a realistic looking head of Iceberg Lettuce, and has a hidden compartment.
Thieves will never dream of looking in this head of Iceberg Lettuce for valuables!
bimbambanana via chicago.apartmenttherapy
Posted: March 19th, 2007
at 11:12am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,green,home,weaponry,grub
Comments: 3 comments
3 Responses to 'iceberg lettuce safe'
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I used to have one just like this that was shaped like a loaf of bread.
19 Mar 07 at 12:04 pm
well, won’t they know to look there now? Nice job krumbles…
20 Mar 07 at 9:06 am
drats got me there
20 Mar 07 at 1:22 pm