My Ninja, Please! 2.22.2012: Racist Against Asians
Just when you started to feel safe in Obama’s post-racial America. Just when you started to feel the settling of the new normal: tolerance, if not acceptance. Just when you almost forgot that a whole buncha people in this country are…
Let me start by saying that I don’t usually cuss on this page, but what the fuck?! The photo above depicts a headline that ACTUALLY appeared on I would like to know who thought that shit was funny. I totally understand that it’s POSSIBLE that this was just a mistake, but it’s not probable. How come every time a minority does something in this country, somebody has to call him out of his name and berate him based solely on his heritage. The shit is bullshit.
ATTN: Mainstream media, STOP RACIALIZING EVERYTHING. Leave that to us, please. Thanks.
So as to avoid having pun at anyone else’s expense, I’ll say, My Negro, Please!!
Posted: February 22nd, 2012
at 3:56pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,fo' real?
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