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For a little while, there was speculation as to whether, Derrick Parker, the infamous hip-hop cop, actually existed. Of course, he did. All those rappers werena€™t being paranoid when they complained about profiling.

Parker was an NYPD officer for more than 20 years. The infamous dossier he created, that held all kinds of personal details on many of your favourite rappers, made him very unpopular with the hip-hop community for a time. However, his book Notorious C.O.P: The Inside Story Of The Tupac, Biggie, and Jam Master Jay investigations has set the record straight.

Parker, a lifelong hip-hop fan, is exactly the type of policeman needed at the moment. He is equally at home in the streets and in police stations. Even more than that, he reckons he can solve the Jam Master Jay and Biggie cases.



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Posted: February 24th, 2007
at 1:02am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,crime

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