Ethnopolitical Garbage

Located below is an article about the politics of the placement of waste transfer stations.  Residents of Boston may also be familiar with this issues as one of the smallest poor neighborhoods, Roxbury, is home to a few of the largest waste transfer stations in the area.  Surrounding, more affluent neighborhoods largely have none.  Anyway, read on.

A great read from Motherboard on the politics of garbage placement:

In New York, as everywhere else, one neighborhood’s trash is often another neighborhood’s terror. And that other neighborhood tends be poorer. Garbage from the well-to-do Upper East Side, for instance, now ends up being sent to mostly poor neighborhoods in outer boroughs. At these places, of course, its easier for other trucks, or train cars or barges, to take it even farther away, to points south (In 2001, Mayor Giuliani closed Fresh Kills, once the world"s largest landfill, on Staten Island, a predominantly white community). And these places also make it easier to build garbage stations without the hassle of the legal battles or political campaigns often wielded by wealthier neighborhoods. […continue reading…]


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Posted: July 18th, 2011
at 8:25am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,green

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