Whip of the Week : Hover Bike

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It may still be in the concept stage; it may be spendy; it may not be eco-friendly; it may not be safe (in the least bit) - but it’s our Whip of the Week. Check out the site, linked below, to see pics/videos.

Besides all the obvious caveats, I WANT one of these things.  Hurry up, future/military industrial complex/otherworldy invaders.  Thanks.



From the site:

-We would like to you buy a hoverbike now, but lets be honest - this takes time to get right. To help speed this up so you can own one, we need funding and man-hours. This bike was built over 2 1/2 years by one person in his car garage after work and studies, and building it is only 10% of the way there. Testing testing and testing needs to be done and we need collective help from you!
-If you would like to buy a prototype now, and do your own testing, please feel free to contact us to discuss.



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Posted: June 13th, 2011
at 12:16pm by mnp

Categories: whips

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