iPad Newspaper Pricing

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The problem with traditional newspapers is that they have traditional newsrooms and staffing levels to support, and I suspect this is why they are priced the way they are. Meanwhile, an iPad specific publication like The Daily was built from the ground up for digital, so they are staffed and run accordingly, hence why they charge just a buck a week.

I already read plenty of international, tech, and business news from the web (and my digital subscription to The Economist), but I really wish I had a great source for Canadian economic and political news. The Globe and Mail fits the bill, but their iPad app sort of sucks and it’s pricey when I can get most of the content I want for free on their website.

Who does your iPad newspaper edition compete with — traditionally priced print newspapers, or the vast amount of free content on the web? The Daily understands they’re competing with free, and have priced accordingly. (Source)


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Posted: June 4th, 2011
at 12:37pm by mnp

Categories: business,et cetera

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