Send Secret Messages in SPAM E-Mail!
New technology for modern-day ninjas:
This website allows you to enter a message and will then encode it in the form of a spam e-mail. Once received, it can be plugged back into the back and decoded. An interesting tyoe of veiled encryption…
Explanation from Spam Mimic:
"There are terrific tools (like PGP and GPG) for encrypting your mail. If somebody along the way looks at the mail they can’t understand it. But they do know you are sending encrypted mail to your pal.
The answer: encode your message into something innocent looking.
Your messages will be safe and nobody will know they’re encrypted!"
Check out Spam Mimic
Posted: July 29th, 2006
at 4:54pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,computers,life,weaponry
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