Nikon’s Holy Grail

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The 13mm is Nikon’s greatest lens. It is Nikon’s greatest lens because not only is it big and supremely expensive, it is Nikon’s, and perhaps photography’s, greatest lens because it lets us make photographs we can make no other way.

The Nikon 13mm is the world’s widest non-distorting professional SLR lens ever made, by anyone, in any format. It allows us to get closer to our subjects, stretch distances and create images from perspectives otherwise unimaginable.

Forget about ever seeing one; only about 350 were made, and only to special order. That means less than one out of every 100,000 lenses Nikon has ever made is a 13mm. Forget about finding one anyplace other thanAeBay, where they turn up a couple of times a year in various places around the world.>


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Posted: January 3rd, 2011
at 1:51pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: too good to be true,gear,photo

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