MNP Update!
You know we keep it coming. I thought I told you that we don’t stop (bad boy, bad boy, take that, take that).
No, but seriously:
politricks.mnp is open for business! You might notice it over there in the dojo, if you’re up on your training, that is. You gotta love the politrickal content we bring you here on myninjaplease, and, we were sitting around thinking, "why not just open a politickal site and hit ’em with that?" And since we couldn’t think of a reason not to do such a thing, we got real blunt (tube status) and did it. So now go there. And, when you’re done come back. Keep watch for many more [tag]mnp updates[/tag].
OK, just to review (cuz I know how ninjas are) that brings our microsites to:
the pimp’s corner [somehow broke itself today, but will be right by tommorrow].
and of course:
And i’m starting to hear whispers of:
Posted: December 14th, 2006
at 1:20am by black octagons
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,green,politricks,architecture
Comments: 4 comments
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not to mention how many updates are going on
black octagons
14 Dec 06 at 5:12 am
i can feel the magic
black octagons
14 Dec 06 at 5:14 am
14 Dec 06 at 11:00 am
hey look ninja i didnt break the shit and can ya get a ninja one of those fancy smancy dodad logos i would greatly appreciate it
X Man
14 Dec 06 at 12:11 pm