Cell Phone Time Traveler from 1928?

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Is a woman in a 1928 film who appears to have a cell phone glued to her ear in fact a time traveler? That’s what some conspiracy theorists think this eerie scene (video below) from Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 film, "The Circus" is telegraphing, or rather phoning, and that the woman — who looks about as time-traveler-ish as Martha Stewart, is indeed a voyager from the vortex of time and space.

Belfast filmmaker George Clarke, a Chaplin fan, says he was watching the "behind the scenes of ‘The Circus’ " and was "stumped" at what he saw.

"I kept winding it back, playing it; winding it back, playing it back, and I couldn’t explain this,"Ahe says. "I want to get this out there to let people try and give me an idea, because right now the only conclusion that I can come to — it sounds absolutely ridiculous, I’m sure, to some people — it’s a time traveler" Although, as Clarke notes, the "old woman … looks like a man in drag … on a mobile phone."



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Posted: October 26th, 2010
at 4:25pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,cell phones,science

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