Respect the Architect, Give Props to the Process and Go Hard on the Hustle

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The first step you should already do accept the status quo and their landscape and get a full understanding. After all, for them to be status quo in the first place, they had to build up the architecture to keep them in power so let's give them the credit they deserve. In addition, they have architecture in place to keep them in power and you need to understand this. The most typical structure is the people of power create a sphere of influence with socialites and the media and other characters such as politicians and appointed officers in the government structure.

For example, a lot of these cornball magazines take advertisement money from these status quo cats and that pays the writers salaries and you know the writers are going to write cute fluff about the status quo. Then what these writers do is ignore the up and coming cats and start acting like only status quo matter. Then you see cats on TV and in the media name-dropping status quo and what you do is find out who is the one behind the scenes keeping the status quo in the picture. Just monitor their activities and take their names and their involvement in the structure to keep the status quo on top.

Then you have to accept the fact there are goons and muscle out there keeping them in power. Goons and muscle is not your knucklehead brutes with guns. These are the lawyers and the laws that protect the status quo. You have to find out who are the lawyers, who are the politicians and the laws that are designed to protect the status quo. In some cases the government tries to partner with status quo and you need to know names and connections. So just monitor what is going on and take names and learn connections to understand the architecture.>


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Posted: October 26th, 2010
at 7:17am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,architecture,development

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