Cigarette Citadels

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The tobacco industry produces some six trillion cigarettes worldwide every year.

Yes . . . six trillion.

That's more than enough annually to create a continuous chain from Earth to Mars and back, several times.

You see them, you smell them daily.A They are sold at convenience stores, newsstands, truck stops, bars, pharmacies, open-air markets. For some people they are a source of income or pleasure, for many others a scourge.A They areA the single largest cause of preventable death worldwide today and may kill a billion people during the 21st century if current trends continue (source: WHO).

Six trillion cigarettesAevery year a each ready to release smoke filled with highly addictive nicotine and powerful carcinogens.A Where do they all come from?A Where are they manufactured?A Where are they rolled, wrapped, and boxed for shipment?>


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Posted: October 17th, 2009
at 7:43pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: business,health,education,maps

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