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Every once in a while, a blend of forces comes together to create a unique set of conditions that enable the formation of exceptional startups … the sorts of startups that rise from the lab to global domination in less than a decade … you know the ones I mean … the Microsofts, the Googles and the Facebooks of the world. These are the truly magical moments in the history of startups.

I believe we are right in the middle of one such moment. A There are three interesting trends (among others) that have come together to create powerful building blocks for innovation: Fundamental changes in the economics of building a high technology based business (cloud computing, open source, a rich ecosystem of reusable components and services, etc.) The rise of the real-time web, social networks and massively concurrent global conversations. The unbelievable expansion of devices at the edge of the network (replete with new features and capabilities such as LBS). By the way, I am not only referring here to the explosion of smartphones & tablets, but also to the pending ramp of a myriad of other devices (what some people call the Internet of Things).>


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Posted: September 24th, 2010
at 5:13pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: development,entrepreneurship

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