So You Wanna Be a Chef by Anthony Bourdain

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I am frequently asked by aspiring chefs, dreamers young and old, attracted by the lure of slowly melting shallots and caramelizing pork belly, or delusions of Food Network stardom, if they should go to culinary school. I usually give a long, thoughtful, and qualified answer.

But the short answer is "no."

Let me save you some money. I was in the restaurant business for twenty-eight yearsamuch of that time as an employer. I am myself a graduate of the finest and most expensive culinary school in the country, the CIA, and am as well a frequent visitor and speaker at other culinary schools. Over the last nine years, I have met and heard from many culinary students on my travels, have watched them encounter triumphs and disappointments. I have seen the dream realized, anda more frequentlyaI have seen the dream die.>


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Posted: September 21st, 2010
at 11:56pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: grub,development

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