They Can’t Stop Wesley: Part 3

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mnp would like to let it be known that no disrespect is intended to the grandmaster himself. we bow in your presence Wes. DARKNESS, everybody!

Just a few snippets, updates on tax law and the masked evader of.

"It appears I’m to be the scapegoat, because there’s more public interest in ‘celebrities gone bad’ than ‘rich people being taken advantage of,'" Snipes wrote last weekend in an e-mail to Orlando Sentinel columnist Scott Maxwell.

That’s what I’m talking about. This is what’s wrong in America. They takin’ advantage of too many rich people these days. OJ… Paris… and now Wesley Snipes!

"I will abide by the law, seek the protections the law affords me and, as always, seek the advice of competent council in effort to resolve this issue," Snipes wrote to the columnist. "I’m not running, I’m not a fugitive, despite the misrepresentations in the press."

Oh yeah? Then why you in Namibia, son? You must be the first ninja ever to film a movie there.

Here’s a lil’ article and a copy of Wesley’s indictment


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Posted: November 27th, 2006
at 1:46pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,real life news

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