Enviro-friendly showerhead that kicks ass?

All us ninjas here at MNP place a high priority on being environmentally-friendly, and we love green tech, but sometimes, even we don’t want to be eco-friendly. Case in point - remember those low-flow toilets that would clog all the time? Or the restrictors in showerheads that make your shower nothing more than a trickle?

Well, some pretty cool folks over at Australia’s National Research Agency have designed a showerhead attachment that makes your shower use 30% less water, but still feels like you are under one of those earth-wrecking units. How? When the device is retrofitteed to fill the water droplets with a tiny bubble of air. The result is the shower feels just as wet and just as strong as before, but now uses much less water.

Check it out


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Posted: November 20th, 2006
at 1:10pm by Pheezatron

Categories: green,home,mnp is for the children,design

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