ART! - myninjaplease is Your Crutch

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As you can see, we continue blessing you with all the bangin’ material that makes you come back! For free! For more! One for ALL!

What more could you ask for? A myninjaplease of the day? More ninjas? What do you wanna see? Bless us with and e-mail at or drop a comment and let us know what you’d like to see more or less of. We probably won’t listen to you, but you know how ninjas are (be actin’ ignorant).

Anyway, people, it’s ART DAY! and you know what that means. Wait, you don’t? Click on any Friday in the calendar on our sidebar and knowledge yourself.

And here is a dude who gets ill with his crutches. Watch that video.

And that right there is a painting by Wayne Forte. And the other is his version of the Conversion of St. Paul (Caravaggio).

Ill right? Riiiight. Check him out!


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Posted: November 17th, 2006
at 1:14pm by black octagons

Categories: youtube,art,contemporary,art fridays

Comments: 1 comment


One Response to 'ART! - myninjaplease is Your Crutch'

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  1. man…if only i had 4 g’s to be buying art. or, a house of my own to hang it in…


    17 Nov 06 at 4:35 pm



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