My Ninja, Please! 7/21/06: Randy Moss opens fruit-juice franchise

First 50 cent then Randy Moss.AA Ninjas are gettin into juice, son!AA How bugged out would you be if you walked into a juice store and this tall-ass ninja sold you a blueberry smoothie? (ninjas prefer blueberry)

That would never happen you say? Oh ho-ho, ho… check him out.

"CHARLESTON, W.Va. a€" Randy Moss walked behind the counter in a pinstripe suit with a red striped tie, traded his jacket for an apron, took off his sunglasses and went to work a€" as the owner of a new fruit-juice store.

Making smoothies gave Moss another chance to smooth out a rift with his home state. "

Full Article Via: Star Tribune


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Posted: July 21st, 2006
at 4:29pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease

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