Snipes on the Run: Part 2

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Last we heard the Grand Master himself was snapped in Namibia, a country without an extradition treaty with the U.S.

Here’s the pic:


Of course we can’t actually confirm that it’s him, but if it is, we certainly don’t condone his brazen non-use of disguise. Maybe it’s the post-op photo. Face… offff.

The next bright light Snipes faces, of course, might be that of U.S. marshals seeking his arrest, as he is wanted here on charges of tax fraud. Joanne Reay, one of the producers of "Gallowwalker," the film on which Snipes is working in Nambia, told the Associated Press today, "As far as we understand, Wesley is not going to be arrested in Namibia." What’s more, Snipes is expected to stay in Namibia until December.

According to Reay, Snipes is not staying at the same luxurious lodge at which Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stayed when Jolie was pregnant and gave birth to their daughter Shiloh Nouvel this summer.

Well that’s certainly a relief.
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Posted: October 26th, 2006
at 3:18pm by black octagons

Categories: hood status,crime,too good to be true,real life news

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