Geopolitics: China in Copenhagen

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What really happened in Copenhagen?

It was reported that President Obama was to blame for the unraveling of the show- unless of course you were Mark Lynas who witnessed how China hijacked the global negotiations by way of absence and silence.

It was concluded that China wants to weaken the climate regulation regime now "in order to avoid the risk that it might be called on to be more ambitious in a few years’ time".

Because cheap coal is the backbone of China’s growth, they are unwilling to alter their magic formula that has fueled their freedom of action dominance. A change in geopolitics? Sure. A change in environmental governance and proxy? Lets just hope that India, Brazil, and South Africa step up to the plate with new found leadership.

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Posted: December 23rd, 2009
at 7:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,politricks

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