Solar Power your iPod [among other things]
Going for about 100 bucks [ninja, thats not bad…it powers your gear with the sun, son], the Soldius1 from EarthTech Products is designed to charge you iPod, cell phone, PDA, whatEVER, in about 2-3 hours [once again…ninja, that ain’t long…powered by the sun]. And to top it off, if you buy it from EarthTech, you get 10 free iTunes downloads [which have recently been established as the greener way to cop music_downloads, not just iTunes]. Even comes in various colors, so your iPod, charger, and sneakers can always match [mine always do].
buy yours here
links via Treehugger
Posted: October 25th, 2006
at 9:45am by orangemenace
Categories: apple,green,weaponry,design
Comments: 2 comments
2 Responses to 'Solar Power your iPod [among other things]'
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[…] Some of you [I hope] saw the post recently about getting a solar charger for your iPod. Well, if the 80 bucks is too much for you, or you’re more of a MacGyver ninja, you can make your own by following this crazy SOB’s directions. […]
myninjaplease » Blog Archive » Solar Power Your iPod, Revisited
30 Oct 06 at 2:36 pm
[…] Solar Power Your iPod, Revisited Some of you [I hope] saw the post recently about getting a solar charger for your iPod. Well, if the 80 bucks is too much for you, or you’re more of a MacGyver ninja, you can make your own by following this crazy SOB’s directions. [DISCLAIMER: MNP is not responsible for any foolish things you do to your expensive electronic gear. For instance, if this causes your iPod to explode and ignite your entire dojo…well, that’s what you get for being cheap.] Link for this DIY craziness, thanks to Joe for the heads-up. […]
green.mnp » Blog Archive » Solar Power Your iPod, Revisited
12 Dec 06 at 3:48 am