Archive for June, 2011

Like that, Bron Bron?

Depression canadian viagra help can come from mental health professionals, as well as glucophage for sale from friends, family, and community members, such as religious communities buy cheap colchicine online or other organizations. Chronic constipation can be a symptom of discount glyburide an underlying medical condition that requires evaluation and treatment. The buy spiriva low cheap price doctor will assess the cause and intensity of a person's erythromycin purchase symptoms to determine the best treatment. However, on rare occasions, remeron sale a person can experience cross-reactivity with coconut and other fruits buy glucophage online containing similar protein content. Individuals considering FMS will need to discount cialis overnight delivery thoroughly discuss these risks with their surgeon and decide whether kenalog vendors the benefits outweigh the potential risks. These medications can also fda approved pamoate help reduce a person's pain and prevent postherpetic neuralgia (PHP), cialis pharmacy online which is a common complication of shingles that causes long-term clozapine for order nerve pain. If a child alleges that their behavior is the.

I usually wouldn’t post something so crass… but serious times call for serious actions…


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Posted: June 14th, 2011
at 12:18pm by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,games

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California’s Tax Problem

Ed. Note : Some argue for the abolition of the taxes all together or a flat tax, but really we can’t expect a tax based on "presences" to be appropriately levied. Will the job situation be fixed in 18 months? If it is, expect unions and "innovation" to take a back seat- the problems that were left for this administration make me hope that we do not enter yet another lost decade.

The result of this bill is that any out-of-state retailer will *not* have to collect sales tax if they sever business relationships with a large swath of contractors, service providers, ad networks and affiliates that have a presence in California.

If you are a company that in any way makes a commission or markets on behalf of another company as your monetization, you are in danger.

If you are a contractor, web host of some kind or other service provider that is even peripherally facilitating the sale of a product in any fashion, you are in danger of out-of-state retailers canceling their contracts. This could include web design, web hosting (including out-of-state hosts with a server in California), coding, mobile apps, you name it.

: Read more :

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Posted: June 14th, 2011
at 11:04am by mnp

Categories: web,business,politricks,development,education,jobs,innovation

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Whip of the Week : Hover Bike

It may still be in the concept stage; it may be spendy; it may not be eco-friendly; it may not be safe (in the least bit) - but it’s our Whip of the Week. Check out the site, linked below, to see pics/videos.

Besides all the obvious caveats, I WANT one of these things.  Hurry up, future/military industrial complex/otherworldy invaders.  Thanks.



From the site:

-We would like to you buy a hoverbike now, but lets be honest - this takes time to get right. To help speed this up so you can own one, we need funding and man-hours. This bike was built over 2 1/2 years by one person in his car garage after work and studies, and building it is only 10% of the way there. Testing testing and testing needs to be done and we need collective help from you!
-If you would like to buy a prototype now, and do your own testing, please feel free to contact us to discuss.>

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Posted: June 13th, 2011
at 12:16pm by mnp

Categories: whips

Comments: No comments

What is EcoFactor?

EcoFactor’s SaaS-based energy management engine collects, stores and processes 24,000 points of data each day from individual homes, local weather stations and numerous other geographic inputs - 12,000 from inside the home and 12,000 from outside the home. The result is an individualized HVAC Auto-Pilot program that can easily save homeowners 20 to 30 percent in HVAC energy usage without sacrificing comfort or convenience. (Source)

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Posted: June 13th, 2011
at 9:37am by mnp

Categories: green,development

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Twitter and Apple

Image source

But, fundamentally, what’s interesting about Twitter is that anyone can follow anyone else (besides for private accounts of course). That’s its magic: Anthony Weiner can send a picture of his crotch to tens of thousands of people from his Blackberry.

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Posted: June 13th, 2011
at 9:37am by mnp

Categories: apple,#twitterisfothebirds

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This is Not a Diary

Image source

People think of blogging as similar to keeping a diary, but that’s really a very shallow comparison. Blogging is similar to diary writing in that both are a form of structured writing undertaken on a semi-regular basis and both are similar in length.

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Posted: June 12th, 2011
at 11:08am by mnp

Categories: et cetera,blogs,internets

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My Ninja, Please! 6.11.11 : Face Yoga

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Posted: June 11th, 2011
at 11:08am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease

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Best Coffee Shops to Work from in Seattle

: Click here :

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Posted: June 10th, 2011
at 1:29pm by mnp

Categories: et cetera,development,drinks,entrepreneurship

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The Fruit Ninja

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Posted: June 10th, 2011
at 1:28pm by mnp

Categories: grub,ninjas are everyehere

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