Archive for June, 2009

Is it racist to say…

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…that they are extremely on point with their Italian accents?


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Posted: June 3rd, 2009
at 5:38am by Black Ock

Categories: life,web

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He could get paid to do this…

And look!AA He squanders his talent away!


FEDERAL WAY, Wash., May 21 (UPI) — Police in Washington state said a suspect used his genitals as a puppet while standing over an air conditioner intake at an apartment complex.

The police report of the incident said Timothy Wayne Martin, 44, of Auburn, Wash., was arrested after residents of the Arcadia Apartment Complex in Federal Way called police at about 10:30 a.m. May 13 and reported a man standing over an air conditioner intake wearing only an unbuttoned flannel shirt and "was apparently manipulating" his penis with a string "like a puppet," reported Thursday.

Police said Martin was arrested at the scene and still had the string attached to his penis. He was charged under the state’s felony indecent exposure statute due to having two prior convictions for similar crimes.

Martin was also in possession of a small quantity of methamphetamine at the time of his arrest. Police said he also had a pornographic magazine.

Seriously though, puppetry of the penis used to be super in-style.AA It’s a shame to see so much natural ability go to waste on a street corner.AA By the way, I heard about Seattle PI going out of print and exclusively online on NPR earlier this week.AA Go check out their website, as I feel bad for them.

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Posted: June 3rd, 2009
at 5:33am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,not ninja-worthy,real life news

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Nor do Filipinos Make Idle Threats…

MANILA, Philippines a€" Alec Baldwin’s joke about getting a Filipino mail-order bride provoked a sharp response in the Philippines, with one senator saying Monday that the "30 Rock" star faces violence if he ever visits.

Baldwin, 51, who is divorced with a teenage daughter, said in a May 12 interview on "The Late Show" with David Letterman that he would love to have more children.

The Emmy-winning actor quipped that he was "thinking about getting a Filipino mail-order bride at this point … or a Russian one."

::[ Read the rest of the article here ]::

I guess he’s gonna have to bring Jayne with him for protection (for all you Firefly fans).

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Posted: June 3rd, 2009
at 4:23am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,too good to be true,politricks

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I mean, does the screenshot not tell you enough already? Finally, some responsible person has come to the forefront with enough courage to make a site dedicated to the worst, most non-ninja-worthy mofos in the world.AA Oh wait we’re talking about HuffPo here…

The catalogue, to date, is a little slim, but, by no means inaccurate.AA I don’t agree with all the picks, but it’s a hell of a read.

This is probably the best concept for a site since MNP.AA It’s interesting how all the best things in life combine synchronistically, eh, whatwith the Lake-show in the playoffs?AA I’m thinking about adding Jay Leno and Sasha Vujachic.AA And, for all you basketball fans out there, guess what color yellow and blue make when combined?

::[ Check out Dickipedia here ]::

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Posted: June 2nd, 2009
at 7:26am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,too good to be true,web,politricks

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Facebook Rap

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Oddly enough, these farce rappers are getting better by the minute.AA This is stolen from the pages of one of our favorite blogs.AA Watch the video, for it shall not disappoint.

:: [AA Via The ‘Stool ]::

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Posted: June 2nd, 2009
at 6:44am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube

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Online Beatboxing Champion

Online Beatboxing Champion @ Yahoo! Video

Alas, we would be remiss not to post this.

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Posted: June 2nd, 2009
at 5:52am by Black Ock

Categories: music,too good to be true,mnp is for the children

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Kickin’ It - Documentary

The homeless football world cup? Would you expect anything less from us on a Monday? Come, come now.

Thanks to Jessie for this one. You better be reading her blog.

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Posted: June 1st, 2009
at 9:45am by Black Ock

Categories: documentary

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Real Ninjas Delight in Lemongrass

[photo link]

I’m just sayin’…

Raw Epicurean, a blog focused on the uber-healthist raw-food movement, pretty much rocks my socks off.AA I’m not a raw vegan or anything, but I’ve had the distinct privilege of having some feckin’ amazing raw food professionally prepared.AA The recipes on Raw Epicurean are usually the proverbial bomb, and I would recommend them to a ninja.AA What you’re looking at above is a portabello mushroom and lemongrass pesto concoction that will rawk your sawks off, too.

In fairness to them, you only get half the recipe from MNP.AA You’ve gotta check out the site for the other half (their "herb of the month" is lemongrass:

2 portabella mushroom caps
1/2 cup lemongrass, about 2 stalks, white portion only coarsely chopped
1 serrano chilies
2 cloves garlic, peeled

::[ Read Raw Epicurean (thanks to Erin for the original linkage) ]::

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Posted: June 1st, 2009
at 8:23am by Black Ock

Categories: green,grub

Comments: 1 comment

Fear and Fancy

I was going to write up some ish about this band, Fear and Fancy and the fact that they’re doing big things until I decided that another blogger had said everything succinctly already.AA Before you read this writeup from DaWh@t you should check out their myspace page.AA Have a listen to "Off the Grid," which is my current favorite.AA We should have a promo song or two soon!AA If you are a true hipster, you’ll want to know about this before all of your friends do.

Some of you readers may not know this, but I am about to finish up my freshman year at Stanford. Through the course of the year I’ve realized that our class has a lot of musical talent. There’s one trio in particular, Fear & Fancy that’s formed in this year and shared their music with the whole campus. Originally from Boston, two of the three reunited on campus and met their third member to create a completely new sound. Their first album Twenty Twelve is about to drop, and you guys can listen to it for a limited time on their myspace . If you guys do give it a listen they would greatly appreciate it if you filled out this survey telling them what you thought. They’ll also send you a free bonus track for doing so. [link]

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Posted: June 1st, 2009
at 7:24am by Black Ock

Categories: music

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