Archive for June, 2009

Jailbreaking? Use MNP logos!

Biohackers buying estrace may use biotechnology to inform their experiments, but the two remeron sale are not mutually exclusive. However, certain viruses, particularly influenza and accutane online stores some coronaviruses, can occasionally cause gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea. Medical generic glyburide News Today has made every effort to make certain that purchase colchicine online all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. overnight viagra It is impossible to predict the onset of symptoms, and buy prednisolone generic the prenatal test carries a high risk of complications. In colchicine prescription less severe cases, this involves a local anesthetic — a buy generic clomid medication to numb the area — and a sedative to buy flovent produce drowsiness. As such, it is advisable for a person cheap cialis from usa considering any CBD or THC products to check their local buy cheap bentyl alternative laws. Treatment approaches that address both sleep apnea and OAB buy levitra online can include CPAP therapy, lifestyle modifications, behavioral therapies, medications, and for.


[image: boot logo]

Jailbreaking your iPhone? Rep for MNP with these custom boot/restore logos. If you’ve already Jailbroken, you can still replace the logos by going the Pwnage Tool again but not creating/installing a new .ipsw file.

[image: recovery logo]

Note: These are .png files with transparent backgrounds - which is why they appear to have grey backgrounds in these images. On your iPhone, the background would be the standard black.


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Posted: June 22nd, 2009
at 2:15pm by orangemenace

Categories: apple,cell phones,diy

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2008 DNC/RNC Mobilizations: Full Report

At long last, wea€™ve completed our 35,000-word full report on last summera€™s anarchist mobilizations against the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, complete with chronological maps and painstaking documentation. Updated from the feature in Rolling Thunder #7 and expanded to include the complete text of thirteen different participant narratives, this report offers a comprehensive history of the preparations for, events of, and aftermath following the protests, and an analysis of their context and implications.


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Posted: June 22nd, 2009
at 1:09pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: politricks,primary sources,et cetera

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Documentary: Food, Inc.

Americans have a longstanding love affair with fooda€"the modern supermarket has, on average, 47,000 products. But do we really know what goes into making the products we so eagerly consume?

This week, David Brancaccio talks with filmmaker Robert Kenner, the director of "Food, Inc.," which takes a hard look at the secretive and surprising journey food takes on the way from processing plants to our dinner tables. The two discuss why contemporary food processing secrets are so closely guarded, their impact on our health, and another surprising fact: how consumers are actually empowered to make a difference.

Find out why you’ll never look at dinner the same way.

This new documentary - Food, Inc. - looks wicked interesting…and pretty frightening. Find it at a theater near you and check it out.

.:interview->via Now on PBS

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Posted: June 22nd, 2009
at 8:37am by orangemenace

Categories: youtube,life,film,grub,documentary,health

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Muzak Video Sunday [6/21/09]

Back and more diesel than ever… we present to you:
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Posted: June 21st, 2009
at 6:11am by Black Ock

Categories: muzak video sundays

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Ninja Homes: Like A Ghost


My ninjas, please - this project is either brilliant, or just absurd [well, I guess it could be both]. By far the most minimalist house I can think of, Ghost was designed by Japanese architects DATAR - and built in Tokyo in 2006 [like you needed me to tell you it was built in Japan]. And that’s really all I know about the project.


For starters, I’m a big fan of the iconic ‘house’ form of the exterior. It’s seemingly increasingly popular - but it’s still interesting. The simplicity as you move into the interior seems almost disorienting - and definitely so when you’re only seeing the project in photos. I unfortunately couldn’t find plans or a section - so this is all about the visuals of these white walls, contrasting with the dark wood floor.

What I really want to see is photos after the house was inhabited. I wonder how the introduction of furniture, art, etc, do / would change the feeling of the stark interior - I imagine that the right amount of furnishing would take just enough of the edge off the almost blinding whiteness of the project.




Just as I was about to post this project, it reminded me of the photographs by Todd Hido we had on AMNP a while back - and which are featured in Urban China Bootleged by C-Lab for Volume. First, the contrast between what a home [or any building, I suppose] looks + feels like pre-occupation and post-occupation. Even unpainted and unfurnished, a new, clean home can be beautiful, peaceful, and maybe even hopeful - but being inhabited and subsequently abandoned alters the very being of a house. Aside from the abandoned homes thought, this project brought to mind the fact that what makes so many new homes [I’d even go so far as to say most] in the US acceptable places to live is ‘your shit’ [it’s yours, so it’s ‘shit’ - if it were mine, it’d be ‘stuff’] - so I’m thinking, maybe it’s important that a home be ill without all our crap in it?

.:images and limited info -> via DATAR

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Posted: June 19th, 2009
at 9:30am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,ninja homes

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Bruce Willis, Futuristic Sex0r

Now…I’m fully aware of these pics being real strange… but the photo spread is dope in a weird fifth element kind of way.  What I wasn’t aware of was that Bruce was such a sex symbol, but apparently he is.  In the spirit of ART FRIDAY, if the Rob0t Bunz is what you’re into - check out the link below.  [Ed. Note:  this is for all the moms out there who read myninjaplease!]

::[ Peep the semi-NSFW slideshow ]::

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Posted: June 19th, 2009
at 8:49am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,robots,photo,art fridays

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Yayoi Kusama - Kusama’s Self Obliteration

Yayoi Kusama has held a long career- currently she is in a mental institution and in 2008 Christies New York sold a work by her for $5,100,000, a record for a living female artist. For more on the artist refer to this interview, a brief biography of her life and artnet’s record of her work. And of course enjoy the 3 part film from 1971 below.
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Posted: June 19th, 2009
at 8:11am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,film,art fridays

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The Seven Day Project by The Seventh Letter

TSDP TSL Armor from Keegan Gibbs . com on Vimeo.

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Posted: June 19th, 2009
at 5:34am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: bling,art fridays

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Damien Hirst: "For the Love of God"

You can see the making of the skull here.

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Posted: June 19th, 2009
at 5:28am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: bling,art,art fridays

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