Nice Shoes…
Wearing higher heels - although perhaps not stilettos - may improve your pelvic floor muscles and in doing so boost your sex life, a study suggests.
An Italian urologist and self-professed lover of the sexy shoe set out to prove that high heels were not as bad for women’s health as some suggest.
The shoe has been linked to a range of problems - from corns to schizophrenia.
But in a letter to European Urology, Dr Maria Cerruto said her research showed it was time to stand up for the heel.
She said her study of 66 women under 50 found that those who held their foot at a 15 degree angle to the ground - the equivalent of a two inch heel - had as good posture as those who wore flat shoes, and crucially showed less electrical activity in their pelvic muscles.
This suggested the muscles were at an optimum position, which could well improve their strength and ability to contract. [LINK]
Well, well, well…
Posted: February 7th, 2008
at 10:22am by Black Ock
Categories: too good to be true,real life news
Comments: No comments
Quote of the day
"You spend months trying to prepare for every contingency," Allen said. "Trying to anticipate every possible way people might be confused … Then this? Incredible."
Posted: February 7th, 2008
at 9:42am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: politricks,quote of the day
Comments: No comments
Shaq Traded!
Who saw this coming?
Decades ago, Washington Redskins coach George Allen promoted an idea that was so novel, it often was ridiculed as downright absurd a€" until it actually worked.Claiming "the future is now," Allen traded draft choices some years hence to obtain wizened veterans right then to build a team that could compete immediately. He took a club to the Super Bowl this way, which quieted his critics, although they eventually rose again when they realized their team was spending NFL draft day twiddling its thumbs, its top picks having been given away for some big lug long since retired.
Allen has been dead for 17 years, but he would be most pleased to know that the strategy that became his signature is thriving throughout major league sports, the latest evidence coming from the NBA, where Shaquille O’Neal was traded Wednesday from Miami to give the long-suffering Phoenix Suns a chance to win it all, now.
This is instant gratification personified a€" or, better said, instant gratification stretched to 7 feet, 1 inch and weighing 325 pounds. It’s also instant gratification with fingers crossed, the Suns hoping that Shaq, nearly 36, still has a stretch run in him, injured hip and all.
It’s also the essence of an impatient society at play; go for it now, because who can wait to see if later is going to be any better? [LINK]
Read the rest here.
Posted: February 7th, 2008
at 9:06am by Black Ock
Categories: celebrity,games,fo' real?
Comments: No comments
Cadillac Pimpin’
Not work (or possibly female) friendly, but so ridiculous, again, worthy of a post. Hopefully your boss (and wife) are on vacation.
Ron Eglash: African Fractals, in Buildings and Braids"I am a mathematician, and I would like to stand on your roof." This is how Ron Eglash greeted many African families while researching the intriguing fractal patterns he noticed in villages across the continent. He talks about his work exploring the rigorous fractal math underpinning African architecture, art and even hair braiding.
::video + info from TED::
Posted: February 6th, 2008
at 1:00pm by orangemenace
Categories: youtube,art,architecture,fo' real?,science
Comments: No comments
YouTube/Video Day?
What would you people think of a video-themed day on the site?AA Basically, a repeat of today with a purpose?AA This has been one of our more, um, lascivious days in our history, but we think it could be compelling.AA Let the people speak!
Posted: February 6th, 2008
at 12:30pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,film
Comments: No comments
Japanese Show of the Week #5
It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means. Sound the horn. I promised you people that these would only get more and more ridiculous. This current video features a show based apparently on models being able to remove a huge potato chip bag clip from their tongue - or er… something.
Or maybe the point of this video is models in bikinis, which by the way (in addition to naked women) happens to be the subject of many Japanese gameshows. I’m still debating whether to post the one with the naked ladies and the pigs. I’ll put it to a vote.
Posted: February 6th, 2008
at 11:50am by Black Ock
Categories: youtube,too good to be true,games
Comments: 1 comment
MNP Officially Endorses Obama
You might have read about this today in the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune, so it already may come as no surprise to you that MNP and its affiliate sites are officially endorsing Barack Obama. Since Kennedy endorsed him and whatnot, and furthermore because everybody seems to be making endorsements and everything, the network which rarely takes a political stance at all has decided in a unanimous decision by its board of directors to endorse the Illinois senator.
Reaction around the United States was varied:
"I’m a Hilary guy myself, but the Ninjas are an influential bunch, them helping me with the planning and construction of ‘the Tower’ and what not, so I guess I might reconsider my choice" - Donald Trump
"The Ninjas will claim that they stand for change, but their voting record in the Senate states otherwise. Their opposition of the Shogunate is a fairy tale, a complete fantasy." - former President Bill Cinton
"Those Ninjas are some old ‘new world order’ Ninjas. They want you to endorse Barack just because they know their will never be a Ninja President. Don’t believe the hype, baby." - Roscoe
"I think it’s great step for America, and for the rest of the world that the Ninjas, a group long shrouded in mystery, would stand up and say "Together We Can." - Mel Gibson
"The Ninjas cut a behind-closed-doors deal with Mike Huckabee to drive voters towards their own ends in one of the worst instances of political chicanery in election history. I’m disgusted. Who let the dogs out? Woof." - Mitt "Old Hit" Romney
After this super-duper wacky tobacky Tuesday one thing is evident: this race is going to be a lot closer than anyone thought it would be. The Ninja voter turnout could be a deciding factor. We say, go Barack! (mostly because of the following)
Posted: February 6th, 2008
at 11:33am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,politricks,real life news
Comments: No comments
Stella on Obama
Comedy trio Stella reunites.
Posted: February 6th, 2008
at 11:27am by Black Ock
Categories: politricks,boredom killer
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