Behaving Like "The Apprentice" Can Make You Successful?

I watched an episode of "The Apprentice".

For those who don’t know - "The Apprentice" is a UK reality TV show where a bunch of alleged experienced businessmen and women compete in a variety of allegedly business-related tasks to become the "apprentice" to alleged business guru (and, to be fair, successful tycoon) Alan Sugar.

It’s horrifying. "Normal" business practise is presented as a mass of sniping, backbiting, and bullying from Lord Sugar on down. The tasks bear about as much relation to actual business as that dude in the bear suit at your local mall does to an actual grizzly.

And the contenders are both spectacularly odious - sexist, overbearing, pretentious, backstabbing - and incredibly stupid. Stupid to the point that a team of seven of them, in an entire day, couldn’t figure out what a "cloche" was in the context of a posh hotel. (To be fair, they weren’t allowed to use Google, which would have put my personal time on that task up from 30 seconds to, ooh, about 3 minutes).

And yet these guys and girls are all very successful in business. One had made 70k a year whilst studying at the same time. Another ran a not-that-small company.

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Posted: May 21st, 2011
at 10:55am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,business,tele

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