Archive for the ‘music’ Category

Put it on a Window

VIBRO Sounder is a kind of sonic transducer with unprecedentedly large driving force being tens or hundreds of that of traditional loudspeakers. It can be used to drive any solid surface of glass, wood, stone or even wall to vibrate according to music played.

buy at compactimpact for 184

If that’s a bit too unconventional for ya, then I’m sure you’d feel fine shelling out a mere 250k for these German badboys.

from german-physiks


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Posted: November 13th, 2006
at 12:07pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,gear

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Sound As Color

However, there is something attractive about the foolhardy quest for a music of color that appeals to me. These intellectual flights of fantasy teeter like ambitious Towers of Babel in the imagination. Before his death, Scriabin was working towards one such megalomaniacal venture, titled Mysterium, which was to be performed in the foothills of the Himalayas. He imagined bells suspended from clouds to summon spectators, sunrises as preludes and sunsets as codas, flames throwing up sheets of fire, and scents choreographed in the air. At the end of the seven-day performance, his antithesis to Goda€™s creation, the world was to explode in an apocalyptic flash of mystical bliss.

Painting by James Peel, Goldberg Variations Series, after Bach, Variations no. 4, 2005.

Left: Mendelssohn, Songs without Words, Book 2, no.3,. Drawings from Besant and Leadbeater, Thought-Forms (1901). Right: Drawings from Besant and Leadbeater, Thought-Forms (1901).

article at cabinetmagazine

part of the mnp [sound chain]

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Posted: November 10th, 2006
at 1:50pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music

Comments: 2 comments

Guayaquil, 1967

Photos taken by Ricardo Bohorquez Gilbert, 1967. If you happen to be in Ecuador right now, check out the Guayaquil Jazz Project that goes down on the 11th at 1730.

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Posted: November 9th, 2006
at 11:59am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,photo

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3D Sound Synthesis

We have given you everything except an actual audio track in our neverending sound chain. Here is 3D sound synthesis. Not to be confused with subliminal audio. [faq]

audio track
from highlifeonline

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Posted: November 9th, 2006
at 11:35am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,life

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A Fishy Way Out

Some might call it punk, but this is drumming at its finest- cowbells in effect!

from youtube as featured on the dvd from assaf

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Posted: November 9th, 2006
at 11:29am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music

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New York ****

Busta brings the heat with a legion of classic back.

video from hiphopdx

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Posted: November 9th, 2006
at 11:22am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music

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Giant Steps

Amazing flash rendition by Michael Levy of Giant Steps by John Coltrane. Originally recorded May 5th, 1959 and re-interpreted in July, 2001, Jerusalem.

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Posted: November 7th, 2006
at 1:06pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music

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The Juggaknots : Live Hiphop is Good for your Soul [part 2]


Absolutely Ridiculous. Thats the only way I could describe The Juggaknots show on Friday night in the Bean @ the Western Front. MNP was there reppin’, making sure we got a chance to plug the site. Once again, just as with Percee P at the Chrome Children show [see Live Hiphop…part 1], we came across an MC pushing their own album, this time in the form of Queen Herawin herself [1/3 of The Juggaknots crew]. For those of you who don’t know, The Juggaknots is the hiphop trio made up of [siblings] Breeze Brewin’, Queen Herawin and B Slim. Now, all my on-point ninjas know all about this, but I’ll break it down for the rookies out there.

Breeze is possibly most widely known as Tariq off of A Prince Among Thieves [yeh, the critically acclaimed concept album from Prince Paul]. The Juggaknots dropped an independent album in 1996, Clear Blue Skies [re released in 2003], on which Breeze MCed and B Slim worked on production/rhymed on a few tracks [Herawin was busy gettin’ her learn on]. Since then they’ve released some EPs [which you should also find], and Breeze apparently worked as an English teacher [an MC who teaches English…I hope he doesn’t see this and find grammatical errors]. Now they’ve dropped their second full length album, noi?ufnoC ruoY esU [Use Your Confusion], which includes guest spots by MCs such as Slick Rick, Wordsworth, and Sadat X. MNP’s own BlackOctagonals may have said it best when describing Breeze as ’10 years ahead of his time’ when Clear Blue Skies dropped, and he doesn’t disappoint on the new album.

Performing tracks from Clear Blue Skies, A Prince Among Thieves, and Use Your Confusion, The Juggaknots put on a tite show that was definitely not to be missed for the true Hiphop head. Check their MySpace to find out when they’ll be performing near you. And to those in Boston who slept: B-Slim assured me they’d be back, saying we should spread the word…so be prepared.


Youtube video of New $$$, from the show on Friday
Amalgam Digital [label] site
MySpace Page

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Posted: November 6th, 2006
at 11:20am by orangemenace

Categories: music

Comments: 1 comment

Chrome Children: Live Hiphop is Good for your Soul

Chrom Children

iiight iiight iiight…where to begin? First off, its imperative that everyone reading understand that live hiphop, and I dont mean Luda or Hov [no disrespect, I have their albums too], but real hiphop LIVE is a therapeutic experience. Think you’re not a hiphop fan? Or not an ‘underground’ fan? Well, I dont care. When you’re done here go find tickets to a show, so you can see what I’m sayin, cuz it can’t be explained in this post. All I know is that hiphop speaks to people. So check it.

This post has been inspired by the Stones Throw CHROME CHILDREN TOUR which we here at MNP peeped last night in the Bean. Between J Rocc rippin it on the decks, Peanut Butter Wolf mixing oldschool videos [yeah, I said VIDEOS son] and Madlib/Lord Quas holdin down on the mic, I damn near lost my mind.

But in particular, we’re giving props and a big shout out to PERCEE P, a true ninja in MNP fashion. This dude walked around the crowd for half the show sellin his own CDs. He’s his own street team! I normally resist the urge to buy albums at concerts, but how can you say no when the man is sellin it himself? I had to go to the ATM between sets and hit him up after he went on [was SICK, by the way…ripped it], and bought his last copy off him. And talk about keepin it real, this ish was on a regular ass CD with the title hand written, mixtape style. And now I’ve been bumpin it all morning. ‘…lyrics worse than acid, what we got, scorchin hot, few drops for ya casket, skills are mastered, you bastard. leave you stretched out like elastic…’. Go check him out.

Lastly…know where a great place to act as MNP street team is? HIPHOP SHOWS [any shows, really]. Print out the flyer image and help out the fam.

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Posted: November 2nd, 2006
at 1:29pm by orangemenace

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,music,too good to be true,fo' real?,real life news

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