Archive for the ‘entrepreneurship’ Category

We Need Grannies for Startups

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Montreal’s International Startup Festival is looking for a few good grandmothers.

The event will gather hundreds of the top technology entrepreneurs around the world for speeches, conferences and festive activities.

The festival is also a venue for small-business owners to make pitches to potential investors and be judged on the quality of their presentations.

However, Philippe Telio, one of the festival’s organizers said there are lots of opportunities to have fun even when being judged.

Enter the grannies. Telio said he would like to recruit a few grandmothers to the panel of judges in order to award one lucky startup the prize for the presentation best understood by a grandmother.

This will be one of several awards handed out to participating businesses.

"We always say that your grandmother should understand what your business is about," Telio said. "So we thought it would be fun to have actual grandmothers judging."

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Posted: June 6th, 2011
at 11:19am by mnp

Categories: 9th dan,competitions,development,entrepreneurship,innovation

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Ed Catmull : Keep Your Crises Small

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Posted: June 5th, 2011
at 11:41am by mnp

Categories: life,business,development,entrepreneurship

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Startup Berlin

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Posted: June 4th, 2011
at 12:37pm by mnp

Categories: entrepreneurship

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Hairy Business

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In the parlance of investors there is an oft-expressed and colorful turn-of-phrase, namely, "hair on the deal", that immediately signals the kiss of death for a company’s investment prospects. There are of course grammatical and regional variations on this expression but the implication and import are always one and the same: that the company in question will not get funded. Among investors discussing a deal, the mere whiff of this hirsute quality will often suffice to end a discussion of the company’s merits and shortcomings. In this post, however, I intend to delve into exactly what the range of characteristics exhibited by a company and/or its founders are that embody this dreaded state of ‘hairiness’.>

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Posted: June 4th, 2011
at 12:37pm by mnp

Categories: business,entrepreneurship

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The Hardest Working People on the Planet

As entrepreneurs working hard is a given (if you want to be successful that is). Of course, there’s always a question of just what truly is working hard. I’ve found that most entrepreneurs, if compared to the average office worker at a big company, work extremely hard. However, just because you’re working harder than your buddy at some Dundler Mifflin clone doesn’t mean that you’re actually working hard. Instead, you need to be comparing yourself to some of the hardest working people on the planet.

To help with that, I’ve assembled some inspirational stories of hard-working entrepreneurs with some non-business folks mixed in for good measure. Two caveats. First, hard work is completely irrelevant is you’re not working smart and being productive. Second, hard work is also counter-productive if you’re sacrificing your health to an extreme degree and if the increase in quantity of hours worked is leading to a decrease in your creativity (often the case!). With that being said, here’s some stories of people who’ve worked about as hard as a human being can. (Source)

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Posted: June 1st, 2011
at 12:09pm by mnp

Categories: business,development,entrepreneurship

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Mind Crunch : 6.1.11 : The Horse or the Jockey

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Many people who want to start their own businesses and many people who want to invest in others’ ideas search answer of this question: "Which is more important the idea or the entrepreneur?" .

In academic journals, this is referred to as the horse (idea) and jockey (entrepreneur) debate. The horse and jockey analogy reflects two different financing philosophies: Either you believe the idea is the key and bet on the horse, or you believe management is the key and bet on the jockey. "Another way to phrase it is to say that you either bet on an A-team with a B-idea or on a B-team with an A-idea.

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Posted: June 1st, 2011
at 12:09pm by mnp

Categories: entrepreneurship,mind crunch

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Who is Joi Ito?

Born in Kyoto in 1966, the internationally educated Ito dropped out of two different colleges and, as early as 1985, became one of the first people to register for and study an online course. This knack for early adoption served him well in later years, and he’s now credited with a hodgepodge variety of ‘firsts’, even having helped kickstart the nascent rave scene in Japan.>

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Posted: May 31st, 2011
at 6:03pm by mnp

Categories: web,et cetera,development,who is?,philosophy,entrepreneurship,innovation

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Is it Worth Doing?

Your idea that is:

Do you want to deal with physical products?
Do you want to deal with manufacturing?
Do you want to deal with a sales team?
Do you want to manage import/export?
Do you want to have a product that needs critical mass before it works well?
Do you want to deal with a niche based business or more broad appeal?
Do you feel excited & passionate about the idea?>

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Posted: May 31st, 2011
at 11:20am by mnp

Categories: business,development,entrepreneurship

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DIY : Running a Successful Business

It’s to easy to say "Yes". Make it instead a habit to say "No" by default. You will miss opportunities but it’s better to focus on a handful of things than trying to do everything. This gives you the chance to focus on the important stuff. Tell yourself "The plate is full!". You will reach a point where your plate is full. Don’t ignore this and stop saying yes to everything. It’s okay to say no.

Constraints are another great option to ensure you stay on track and focus on the important. By setting constraints, like working only 10 hours a week on project X, you create an productivity environment. In this environment is no time and place to do non-relevant bullshit tasks. You have to figure out what’s the important stuff, or you will not progress with the project.

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Posted: May 30th, 2011
at 9:28pm by mnp

Categories: business,diy,development,entrepreneurship

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