Archive for the ‘youtube’ Category

How Should We Think About Economics Today ?

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Note that the scientific approach (like the aristocratic one) is a quest for power for its own sake; in other words, it is the practice of black magic. Science transforms white magic into black when it turns the young childa€™s paranoid fantasy for total control into the real world. The bounds of the expanse of total power (and of black magic) is the economic requirement of performing a valuable service for others. This is the humility that the capitalist market expects of us so that the white magic of economics might deploy its beneficial effects.

Contrary to customary opinion, money is not an idol, it is instead the tempest that upsets idols. Unpredictable and uncontrollable, money is on the side of liberty because it does not recognise borders and it threatens all governments. It is spiritual because it tears us away from materialism.

To sum up, the subject matter of economy is simply the Soul of the world.

read the complete analysis at liberalia


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Real Talk


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Posted: June 10th, 2007
at 11:03pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music,film

Comments: No comments



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Posted: May 25th, 2007
at 12:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,music

Comments: No comments

P2P Internet Television

download sopcast

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Posted: May 7th, 2007
at 9:29am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,computers,web

Comments: No comments

Marco Polo feat. Masta Ace - Nostalgia



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Posted: May 4th, 2007
at 10:11am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music

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History of Hacking

Well, things are moving a little slow around the Dojo today. It may be because Heroes came back on last night, and I was busy watching… or because the Red Sox swept the Yankees out of Fenway for the first time in 17 years. Or it may be that I’m still recovering from the shock that 1990 was 17 years ago.

In any case, check out this Discovery Channel documentary called "the History of Hacking." As far as hacking documentaries it’s one of the better ones I’ve seen, though that’s not saying much. It’s definitely worth a gander though.

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Posted: April 24th, 2007
at 10:52am by black octagons

Categories: youtube,computers,crime,web,weaponry,documentary

Comments: 13 comments

Amen Brother

This is a short little documentary about the Amen Break. It kinda follows the sample throughout its history. It’s decent… and in the words of the great orange menace this is interesting, if not ridiculous.


Check it out!
from Youtube, by Nate Harrison.

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Posted: April 19th, 2007
at 12:03pm by black octagons

Categories: youtube,music,film,documentary

Comments: No comments

bbc at the ice factory


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Posted: March 31st, 2007
at 8:28pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music

Comments: No comments

squashed beets


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Posted: March 31st, 2007
at 8:24pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,film

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