Archive for the ‘youtube’ Category

Efterklang Mirador

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Posted: October 25th, 2007
at 1:44pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music

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more info at gurpcity

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Posted: October 18th, 2007
at 12:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music,art

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Iron Solomon vs Math

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Posted: October 11th, 2007
at 12:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,youtube,weaponry

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Ninja Math Disambiguation Page


I hope you enjoyed Design Tuesday yesterday, the day on which of course we feature design in many forms and formats. I know it’s quite general, but taking a look around our dojo it’s evident that us ninjas have a multifarious approach to blogging.

As an admin of this page, I just wanted to hip you to what some of us might be doing when we’re not blogging. Personally, I’ve been watching this anime called Bleach.

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mnp award-winner for best theme music ever

The plotline is simple. Soul reapers or shiginami are sent to help souls pass over from the land of the living to the dead. The soul reapers are spirits that wield samurai swords and come from a place called the soul society. The soul society’s function is twofold. Firstly, they help all souls pass over to the land of spirits, the soul society. Two, they kill spirits that have turned into ‘hollows.’ A hollow is what becomes of a spirit who lingers on earth too long before passing over. Anyways, this redheaded kid who can see spirits somehow gets tied up with this chick and becomes a substitute soul reaper. Thus begins a series of madcap adventures climaxing in a trip to the spirit world.

The manga series has been adapted into an animated television series, two OVAs, two animated feature films, a rock musical, numerous video games and a TCG (Trading Card Game). Compilation volumes of the manga have sold over 40 million copies in Japan, and have reached the top of manga sales charts in the United States. The manga received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 2005, and the anime has been nominated for several American Anime Awards.

This show is kinda ill because it’s a tight mix of humor and action. At times it’s totally silly and there are entire episodes that will have you laugh out loud or get one of those little sweat bubbles. Okay, I confess, I can’t actually say it’s ‘good’ per se, but it’s hella addictive. The best thing about it is you can watch all 116 or so episodes online (with a little bit of ninja math of course). Here’s a link to get you started. And here’s more if you really get serious with it. Pick your poison, subbed or dubbed.


I must say that I was warned against watching these by my homie DJ Dialect, and so I will pass along the same warning to you. By the honor of the ninja, don’t get into this, it will consume your soul.

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Posted: October 10th, 2007
at 6:46am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,mnp is for the children,boredom killer

Comments: 2 comments

the technoviking part 1 and 2

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Posted: October 9th, 2007
at 7:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,music,too good to be true,web

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Real-Life Mechwarriors

[update: sorry, i had the youtube videos switched around. it should be fixed.AA enjoy]

I’ve decided that everybody needs a little fluff in their day to make it through. I also realize that the things I write about on Mondays are generally the types of things that ninjas spend their time thinking about. It might be because it’s Columbus Day and I didn’t want to overload my own poor brain. All these things factor into the following foolishness that I have deigned to call a post.

First of all, for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about when I say Mechwarrior, well, you seriously and urgently need to watch more anime. If you don’t know what anime is, then this article just might be lost on you. Actually just kidding, read on.


So, in the future the robots and machines will take over, which has most likely already started (don’t kid yourselves) and possibly start avenging themselves of the needless wrongs human beings have inflicted, all the while hopefully completely unaware of this. When that day comes, we might be in some critical need of mechwarrior suits to fend them off. Who knows what else could happen?… aliens… meteorites… whatever…

Right about now a whole bunch of geeks are about to start making comments about how me calling the joints mechwarriors is an inaccurate term, so I’m going to nip that in the bud and explain right now.


A mechwarrior, technically, is a dude from a certain series of video games that drives a battlemech. A battlemech is a huge robot that a human sits inside of and controls. Mostly these things are used to, you know fire huge lasers and… fly… and whatnot. The huge robot with a human controller inside is a pretty universal concept. It almost certainly is a metaphorical reference to post-war Japan (as are many anime concepts), industrialization, and technologization (erm, not a word, but you get the gist). Anyway, plenty of you are already acquainted with the basic idea through such imports as Voltron, Gundam, or Power Rangers, and even possibly the American response to such creations Exo-Squad, which was inevitably poorer than the others. So whether you call them exo-skeletons, gundams, mechs, zoids, whatevers, they’re still just big ass robots that people get inside of to control. That should satisfy even the most discriminating geek.


Still with me? Great, because now after much adieu, we dive into the world of the real life applications of these things.

Real Life:

The first thing we’re talking about is a dude who, in 2005, built an 18 foot mech in his backyard. Although the robot could only take a few steps in its beta version, the thing has flamethrowers on its fists. As long as the robot overlords arent overly mobile, this guy can burn the crap out of them.


The 18-foot-tall giant in steelworker Carlos Owens’ Alaska backyard isn’t quite up to smashing Volkswagens-or taking the kind of pounding footsteps that might strike fear into the heart of an enemy.

With a rumbling gasoline engine and creaking hydraulic joints (not to mention flame spouting from its fists), the red steel monster is limited to taking a young child’s few tottering steps. That’s not quite enough to sell the military on its worth. But it’s a start.

Unfortunately for Owens, who has spent almost $25,000 and two years building this homebrewed "mech"-think giant robot, but controlled by a pilot inside-it’s also an end, at least for this version. With little room left to improve it, he’s shutting down work and selling it on eBay. Link


Now, I know this guy is a bit old, but it’s BANANAS. This thing is huge and crazy and I wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley alone with it at night. If the pictures don’t totally bug you out you can watch a video of it here.

In real life, there’s the $50 million that the U.S. military is pouring into researching ways to augment soldiers’ physical capabilities with high-tech exoskeletons.

That idea hasn’t always gone well. General Electric tried this in the late 1960s, creating the cumbersome Hardiman prototype, a massive steel frame intended to be strapped onto its users’ arms and legs to help them lift up to 1,500 pounds.

The GE project operators never got more than one arm working, however, and the project died in the early 1970s.

Well, as you can see the military has been all over this concept for years. The next thing we’re looking at is a possibly more advanced mechwarrior. Enter The LandWalker. Straight out of Japan, of course, this beast is the first fully advanced mech to be built.


Japanese machinery and robotics manufacturer Sakakibara-Kikai has released the first genuine bi-pedal exoskeleton a€" a landmark event and one which is certain to attract a lot of attention for the company. Mechanatrons and BattleMechs have long been the subject of scifi books, comics and movies with the promise of cyborg technology popularised by the smash sixties television series a€oeThe Six Million Dollar Man.a€A Wea€™ve previously seen some celebrated exoskeletons in films such as Alien. Link

Check out the video below to see this thing in action. This guy may be our best bet in the event of any of the aforementioned emergencies. I’d love to whip one of these bad boys, wouldn’t you? That said, I don’t know if the best reaction is childish jubilation or utter fear.

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My inner boy is totally satisfied. One bloger’s thoughts.

If you ask me, the best thing about these things is that they come in different colors. That way I can get one to match my pretty gun.


Mecha, also known as meka or mechs, are walking vehicles controlled by a pilot. Mecha are generally, though not necessarily, bipedal. In most science fiction stories in which they appear, mecha are war machines: essentially armored fighting vehicles with legs instead of treads or wheels. Some stories, such as the Japanese manga Patlabor, also encompass mecha used for civilian purposes such as heavy construction work, police functions, or firefighting.

Ha, that above Wikipedia article regretted to mention the most important aspect of the functions, which would be defending us against the overlords. It appears the robots may have already infiltrated them. In any case, the last mech we will look at is the previous title holder of the most advanced mech besides the LandWalker. Check out Enryu.


Enryua€™s towering presence matches the super hero job description; the DFWM looks of a Transformer, the gait of a bulldozer, a five ton King Kong fighting weight and human-like arms which can lift a ton, quite literally.

Now Enryu can be operated remotely, thanks to seven 6.8 MPX CCD lens mounted on its head, torso and arms, enabling the remote driver to see from several angles. It can also be operated from inside, making it an exoskeleton and enabling it far greater dexterity and hence capability. The driver wears a fireproof suit and is encased in a protection capsule and will surely have the dream job of the next generation of adolescents. Production began last year (2004) and the company sees a large part of its future building robots which can go where human beings cannot, such as burning buildings or on the battlefield. Link


If you want to read about this thing in action, check out this article.

Unfortunately, our 2 hours is almost up. Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be fair if I talked about mech warriors and didn’t at least mention human robotic suits. Undoubtedly you’ve heard of these things that increase strength and speed and whatnot. Very Ghost in the Shellish. Well below we have one of those in action.

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If you want to know more about human robotic suits you can click here or do your own research. This whole article started as a Google search for ‘real life mechwarrior.’ As I feel obligated to say every week, it’s frickin’ amazing what you can find in two hours on the internet. See ya again next week!

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Posted: October 8th, 2007
at 7:53am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,robots,weaponry,2 hours on the internet

Comments: 1 comment

Old School Bangers

Around the same time when we jumped off the O(ld)S(chool)R(ap)V(ideo) of the Day on music.mnp, another blog near and dear to some of our hearts, started a similar feature called Old School Banger of the Week.

If you don’t know about WMFO Tufts Freeform Radio and you live in the Boston area you’re missing out.AA It’s a tight mix of good shows by students, sometimes featuring live performances, DJ sets, etc.

In honor of the fall, I present to you a post from Long Crisp White Tees

"…this is how we chill from ’93 til…"

Summer is finally underway. The weather is warm, shorties are wearing the fine summer dresses, and it is time for an Old School Banger to get you in the summer mood. Seeing as the 4th of July festivities are this Wednesday, I thought I’d hit y’all with a classic laid back summer jam to bump at your grillfest or whatever other activities you got going on. Coming straight out of Oakland, and comprising a part of the Oakland supergroup Hieroglyphics, I give you :

Souls of Mischief - " ’93 Til Infinity"

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DJ White Label, who does podcasts for us from time to time, had a few infamous shows over the years on WMFO.AA I guess it’s fair to say that all around 91.5 is pretty much ingrained into the entire mnp family, or at least 2/3.AA Back in the day you used to be able to receive the radio station all the way over the south side of Boston (if you were sitting still) and definitely anywhere in the city.AA Then the signal degraded a bit for some reason, but now I think they have a new tower.AA So tune in people.

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Posted: October 3rd, 2007
at 1:19pm by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,music,web

Comments: 3 comments

MTV Cribs: Scarface

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The Foul Play DVD - uck The Industry

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Posted: October 2nd, 2007
at 2:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music

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