Good Fridays by The Karma Army
Do something Good this Friday. Tell me what it was. Tell me whether it made you feel better. Tell me if anything good happened to you in the two days that followed. If karma exists, you are the living proof.
Click here to tell me what you did…
The more good deeds you do, the higher up in the Karma Army you will rise. Maybe one day you will able to say you are a Sergeant in the Karma Army. Maybe one day youa€™ll even make it to Major. Imagine that!
Have a look at this happy old mana€™s face… why is it happy? Because Joinee Dixon of London works in a bar called Malibu, and gave this man a free beer, in the name of Join Me and The Karma Army!
Could you do something similar this Friday? Or any day? If you do, be sure and tell me about it!
Get involved in The Karma Army! Today! And every Friday, too!
Well done, Joinees.
Posted: May 2nd, 2008
at 9:16am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,celebrity,web,mnp is for the children,weaponry,9th dan,boredom killer,diy
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Bill Murray, Rza, GZA - Coffee & Cigarettes
I thought about this scene the other day, even though this movie came out quite some time ago. I haven’t seen it since then but - this is still killing me.

Posted: May 1st, 2008
at 9:19am by Black Ock
Categories: celebrity,film,boredom killer
Comments: No comments
Earthday Throwback

The ninjas are sorta like the planeteers, minus the wack dude whose power was "heart." What the feezy is heart, and what’s that got to do with whoopin’ some ‘ace’??
Posted: April 25th, 2008
at 1:36pm by Black Ock
Categories: youtube,mnp is for the children,boredom killer
Comments: No comments
Bebe - Malo

Is it weird that I love this woman?
Posted: April 21st, 2008
at 9:15am by Black Ock
Categories: youtube,music,boredom killer
Comments: No comments
Operation Doomsday

Posted: April 18th, 2008
at 10:22am by Black Ock
Categories: hood status,music,boredom killer
Comments: No comments
Dropclock 1.0

Posted: April 18th, 2008
at 5:00am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,computers,too good to be true,web,games,robots,gear,design,fo' real?,boredom killer
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Watch the Boondocks Banned Episode!
So here’s the story from the horse’s mouth. I might as well just skip my usual supercilious comments.
a€oeThe Boondocksa€A creator Aaron McGruder informedviewers of his edgy, irreverent Adult Swim series that Cartoon Network has unexpectedly shortened the 2nd season from a planned 15-episode run to 13.
Fifteen episodes were in fact produced but two, titled a€oeThe Huey Freeman Hunger Strikea€A and a€oeThe Ruckus Reality Showa€A arena€™t currently scheduled to air, allegedly due to controversial material targeting Black Entertainment Television executives including Debra Lee and Reginald Hudlin.
On his Myspace page, McGruder has posted the following message to fans: a€oeOkay, so a€¦ maybe ita€™s a 13-episode season." BRiSON has posted clips of the banned episodes.
We apologize for our sincere lack of ninjerity in having not already posted these. But we just wanted to let you hipsters know that we BEEN had this ish.
BTW, the other episode is out now, too.
Posted: April 17th, 2008
at 12:27pm by Black Ock
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,boredom killer
Comments: 4 comments
Yankees Locate "Cursed" Jersey

NEW YORK — A construction worker’s bid to curse the New York Yankees by planting a Boston Red Sox jersey in their new stadium was foiled Sunday when the home team removed the offending shirt from its burial spot.
After locating the shirt in a service corridor behind what will be a restaurant in the new Yankee Stadium, construction workers jackhammered through the concrete Sunday and pulled it out.
The team said it learned that a Sox-rooting construction worker had buried a shirt in the new Bronx stadium, which will open next year across the street from the current ballpark, from a report in the New York Post on Friday.
Yankees President Randy Levine said team officials at first considered leaving the shirt where it was.
"The first thought was, you know, it’s never a good thing to be buried in cement when you’re in New York," Levine said. "But then we decided, why reward somebody who had really bad motives and was trying to do a really bad thing?"
On Saturday, construction workers who remembered the employee, Gino Castignoli, phoned in tips about the shirt’s location.
"We had anonymous people come tell us where it was, and we were able to find it," said Frank Gramarossa, a project executive with Turner Construction, the general contractor on the site.
It took about five hours of drilling Saturday to locate the shirt under 2 feet of concrete, he said.
On Sunday, Levine and Yankees CEO Lonn Trost watched as Gramarossa and foreman Rich Corrado finished the job and pulled the shirt from the rubble.
In shreds from the jackhammers, the shirt still bore the letters "Red Sox" on the front. It was a David Ortiz jersey, No. 34.
If not for those meddling kids!
Posted: April 14th, 2008
at 8:50am by Black Ock
Categories: too good to be true,games,boredom killer
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Is that a fishing rod in your pocket…?
So um, what really is that reflection in his glasses?AA You can tell it’s a Friday when this is top of the morning news… er … the "fake news," that is.AA We all know you read MNP for the real news.
Posted: April 11th, 2008
at 12:31pm by Black Ock
Categories: web,politricks,boredom killer
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