Archive for the ‘design’ Category

The Star Wars Effect

From ILM to Pixar to Photoshop and back to Finding Nemo (don’t forget Willow!), in 1971 Lucas Film inspired generations…

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Posted: February 28th, 2011
at 7:58am by mnp

Categories: music,art,too good to be true,games,robots,film,weaponry,design,science,development,internets,americana

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Norman on Design Principles

Kind of old (1994), but still very relevant today…

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Posted: February 27th, 2011
at 9:54am by mnp

Categories: design

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What’s New? : The Data Fountain

What's New? covering what's new in tech, this week looks at data fountains. In the hope of displaying implicit financial data, these dudes have come up with a new form of information decoration, in the form of fountains.>

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Posted: February 24th, 2011
at 8:04pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,green,weaponry,design,science,"ninja",internets,what's new?,trade

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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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What follows is based on actual occurrences. Although much has been changed for rhetorical purposes, it must be regarded in its essence as fact. However, it should in no way be associated with that great body of factual information relating to orthodox Zen Buddhist practice. It's not very factual on motorcycles, either.

And what is good, Phaedrus,

And what is not good…

Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?>

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Posted: February 7th, 2011
at 10:10pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,design,education

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Kinetic Interface Design

Kinetic interfaces are screen-based interfaces that are characterized by movement. In this video a number of existing kinetic interfaces are shown. In addition, a number of descriptive and analytical terms are presented. These terms have been developed through analysis of kinetic interfaces in academic publications.>

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Posted: February 7th, 2011
at 11:02am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: design

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aaaaaaa : Wireless Domino

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Posted: February 4th, 2011
at 7:01am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: design

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We Don’t Discriminate

We haven’t dropped a wallpaper in these parts for a long time, so here ya go.>

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Posted: February 3rd, 2011
at 1:19am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,design

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DIY : Homebrew Microtouch

Sure, the latest "iTouchy" gadgets are pretty cool. But who wants a locked down device?AWhy not build your own touch-screen device, with your own apps, all on open source hardware and using open source tools? OK, it can’t play MP3s, but it does have a 320×240 TFT color display with resistive touch screen, an Atmega32u4 8-bit microcontroller, lithium polymer battery charger, backlight control, micro-SD slot, and a triple-axis accelerometer. Yeah, this is the next big thing and for those of us who like to DIY, you can do a lot of cool stuff with this dev board.

This product is just the Microtouch dev board (preloaded with some demo Apps), and does not include a lithium polymer battery or a microSD card. You will need a lipoly battery with 2-pin JST connector for best performance. It can run straight from USB but due to the charger design, the backlight will be dimmed so it will not appear as bright as with a battery installed.AWe strongly suggest our medium lipoly but you can substitute another 3.7V cell.AA microSD card will be handy if you want to display images, slideshows or animations.

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Posted: February 2nd, 2011
at 7:07am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,cell phones,gear,design,diy,development,open source

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The Maker Generation

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Exciting times. Times when we have to make radical changes to concepts we have held for a long time. Concepts like identity and privacy and confidentiality. Concepts like teamwork and sharing. Concepts like sinecures and benefits and contracts of employment. Concepts like the theory of the firm and scarcity economics and rational individuals and linear workflow. Times that celebrate diversity, that celebrate divergent thinking, that celebrate the creative.

And how are we going to know what to do?

We won't.

Isn't it good that there's a new generation who can solve that for us? A generation who aren't as hidebound as their predecessors and their predecessors and their predecessors.

The Maker Generation. Choosing what they do. How they do it. Whom they work for. What do they look for? Choice.

So what should an enterprise do?

: Continue reading the article :

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Posted: January 19th, 2011
at 5:46pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: business,design,development

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