Archive for the ‘gear’ Category

Percussa AudioCube and reacTable building block musical interfaces

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percussa via labs.det3

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performances by interactive sonic system team and BjAArk


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Posted: October 2nd, 2007
at 4:02pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,music,art,too good to be true,games,robots,weaponry,gear,design,fo' real?,science

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Reinventing the Shipping Container Part 2

shipping containers are formal pallets of break bulk. break bulk is what shipping containers used to be called back in the day. looking around, design wars are warring between prefab and pre-fab. on one side there are ultra-efficient shipping container-based factory-built homes that are moved in the same containers that built the flats of semi-trucks and on the other there is a corn-based R/V Renaissance brewing from shoreline to parking lot.

as light sets and disguises any routine, it is hard to move that shipping containers do not rule the earth. if one was to attempt to get a glimpse into the world of this whole supply chain world that i keep hearing about, understanding what the shipping container is would hold many a question. i mean global trade is apparently exponential and am4ricans love they boxes. why did rectangles become the norm? stacking ability or concrete bombs?

while the american "residual" ["the measure of our ignorance"] effect rules, we like to think that we are a part of the rest of the world. singapore proofs this destiny as the world’s leading container port due to their consistent need to refine for trade.


interestingly enough while americans will have to learn to watch the shipping container take over brandom, Rotterdam is shifting policy towards "creative clusters of industry, R&D, and education"; making moves for the brain container as i heard in an ol puffy song. [The world is just a container away]

besides the wine-bottle and label design debates that fester in the rows of most local wineries, how can we convince the public that an already-refined container is better than damn near similar designs that appear to be probably more customized for the consumer? what is the residual definition of having a shipping container on the bill?

well, the military has worked that out for us all by regulating the desired purpose of the shipping container through "specification busting" and prison manufacture.

shipping containers are manufacturing how regional inter-modal depots get formed. Inter-modal warehouse purpose in mass-transportation network can be related to the importance of river networks and the explanation of how people tried to explain the engineering behind the economics. from a pre-historical standpoint it looks like shipping containers have molded around the channels that moved them:

[the discipline of modern finance] "[It] combined the insights of John Law, a Scottish gambler turned French banker [who is ordinarily credited with being the force behind the Mississippi Bubble] with an extraordinary economic system based on dynamic self-organizing networks used by Native Americans in the region, catalyzed by some innovations imported with natives of the Congo River and the Niger River economies. The first person to publish an explanation in mathematical terms was the finance professor and banker Fischer Black…."

yet there is an abundance of containers at all the major, new-traditional ports across the world. so apart from wondering if it makes sense to combine multiple boxes so that a long-haul semi-truck could take two boxes instead of eight and the killuminati question, that because there are boxes, there also needs to be refined goods, how can we make shipping containers the general fabric?

In other words, how can new housing models not only bring upgraded forms of shelter supply to the effected landscape, but also help play into a larger strategy of establishing more permanent and sustainable resolution to infrastructure in desperate communities, hoping for more significant planning change?

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Posted: October 2nd, 2007
at 4:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,green,web,home,business,whips,robots,weaponry,gear,architecture,design,development,entrepreneurship

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MTV Cribs: Scarface

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Blackbird carbon

San Francisco industrial designer Joe Luttwak, who is also an avid musician, wanted a portable steel-stringed instrument to take to the woods on camping trips. He recalled mountain dulcimers hea€™d seen in Appalachia years ago: Their compact shape and light weight seemed ideal for travel, but the sound was thin and plinky. How could a truly portable instrument project sonic largesse? Luttwak thought back to the Ferrari exhibition hea€™d coproduced for Tokyoa€™s Museum of Contemporary Art in 2002. Spending time at Ferraria€™s legendary Maranello factory, hea€™d been impressed by the lightness, flexibility, and strength of the sports cara€™s primary structural ingredient: carbon fiber. [via I.D.]

photos from Blackbird Guitars

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Posted: September 25th, 2007
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,gear,design

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The Beat Dress


When music or any sound is detected by the microphone it is being led to the equalizer connected to the computer. If there is a base sound the computer transmits a signal to the battery to send pulses of electricity out to the leds in the dress. This obviously lightens the leds up. Then in a second or so they softly go of again. So when listening to music the leds are pulsing to the rhythm of the music. There is also a small lever attached to the microphone, making it possible to adapt to the loudness of sounds around you. This makes the dress work both where there are low volumes like being at home listening to music or out clubbing where the music is very loud.

::article via We Make Money Not Art::

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Posted: September 24th, 2007
at 5:00am by orangemenace

Categories: clothes,gear

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Baggy Pants? You’re Under Arrest

You read it right - a number of cities across the country are considering creating laws that would make a ‘certain level’ of…baggyness (?) in your pants to be illegal. I hope these haters stay out of the Bean, or my ass might be in some trouble - my ninjas, please!

Jokes aside - sounds like some racialism to me. And where do we draw the line? The photo the AP is running with, shown above, shows some baggy pants - but I don’t see any boxers or ass crack. Can these two be arrested?

"In Atlanta, we see this as racial profiling," said Benetta Standly, statewide organizer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. "It’s going to target African-American male youths. There’s a fear with people associating the way you dress with crimes being committed."

I can see it now: ‘Hey you there - stop! You’re under arrest for walking while black!’. Best part of this foolishness? reading all these stories talking about baggy pants like they’re some kind of new trend for parents and citizens to fear - like ninjas haven’t been rocking the sagging slacks for a minute now.

Personally, I’m more offended by men (and some women) wearing pants that are too TIGHT…

::story via CNN::

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Posted: September 20th, 2007
at 7:17am by orangemenace

Categories: clothes,gear,fo' real?

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Double Brim Caps Are Coming (oh joy)


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Posted: September 18th, 2007
at 11:30am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: gear,design

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Neon Ninja Earrings

5USD at nerdapproved via thesiblog

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Posted: September 4th, 2007
at 11:35am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: gear

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How to Act

…is a guidebook some of these ninjas out here could really use.

But since we don’t have a link to that, ya’ll should really learn how to tie a tie.

tie yo' tie right

Seriously. I’m tired of seeing people looking like they’re marching to the gallows.

For you fancier, more sophisticated [Ed: read jobless] types there’s the MBA style tie site… and the slightly more intelligible tie-a-tie. Now get back to work.

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Posted: July 17th, 2007
at 1:22am by black octagons

Categories: mnp is for the children,weaponry,gear

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