Archive for the ‘mnp is for the children’ Category

My Ninja Please! 6.30.09 : DIY Soccer Ball

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Firstly you look for old clothes or blankets. Then you put a few condoms around, which you blow up with your mouth, but not with too much air. Just so ita€™s the same size as a soccer ball. After this you put either a plastic bag or a piece of old clothing over the condom. Then to make it strong, you tear up the old clothing or blanket into long strips and tie the strips all around the condom to strengthen the shape of the ball and make it heavier. Once you can feel it bounces well, you take a strong plastic bag and wrap it around the ball. Lastly you reinforce it by wrapping strong rope or tire wire around it.

AAcontinue reading at afrigadget


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Posted: June 30th, 2009
at 5:31am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,games,mnp is for the children,diy

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The Commons

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Escalade on the C Train


These photos are just killin’ me - they HAD to be on myninjaplease!



My favorite part? This little girl isn’t even happy that she’s driving her SUV through the subway. I mean, if I had a car that nice I’d be happier…

.:via -> 12ozPROPHET

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Posted: June 11th, 2009
at 10:13am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,whips,mnp is for the children,photo,fo' real?,real life news,"ninja"

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Online Beatboxing Champion

Online Beatboxing Champion @ Yahoo! Video

Alas, we would be remiss not to post this.

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Posted: June 2nd, 2009
at 5:52am by Black Ock

Categories: music,too good to be true,mnp is for the children

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Who’s Watchin’ the Watchmen?

Um, the end is nigh-er than a mofo… you can click the image to enlarge it.

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Posted: March 17th, 2009
at 11:16am by Black Ock

Categories: mnp is for the children

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Say Please, Please


A Canadian who demanded courtesy from a U.S. border security guard says he was pepper sprayed and held in custody for three hours for asking the disrespectful officer to a€oesay pleasea€A when ordering him to turn his car off during a search.

a€oeI refused to turn off the car until he said please. He didna€™t. And he has the gun, I guess, so he sprayed me,a€A said Desiderio Fortunato, a Coquitlam, B.C., resident who frequently crosses the border to visit his second home in the state of Washington. a€oeIs that illegal in the United States, asking an officer to be polite?a€A

The incident occurred on Monday at the Aldergrove border crossing, east of Vancouver, shortly after 12 p.m. Mr. Fortunato, a dance studio director, was travelling to his home in Blaine, Wash., to retrieve a wallet his wife had left during their most recent visit.

He said he was questioned by a border officer who demanded he turn off his car and, when asked to make the request more politely, threatened to spray him with his pepper gun if he did not comply.

a€oeI just felt I should stand my ground about it. I should not be treated like that. No matter what kind of position you are in, if you want respect you have to show respect,a€A he said yesterday. a€oeI asked him three times and when I didna€™t turn the car off, because he didna€™t say please, he pepper sprayed mea€¦. It was terrible. For half an hour or so I couldna€™t see anything.a€A

.:cryptogon ->

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Posted: March 13th, 2009
at 2:22pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,not ninja-worthy,mnp is for the children,"ninja"

Comments: 1 comment

Knowledge Increase: Online Flash Cards


Head on over to Cramberry to make your own sets of online flash cards, to help you get your study on.

.:via Lifehacker->

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Posted: March 3rd, 2009
at 7:00am by orangemenace

Categories: mnp is for the children,boredom killer,diy

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Lego Cell Phone


Apparently Lego has teamed with Alcatel, and plans to release a Lego cell phone aimed at children [although, I imagine TONS of ‘adults’ would at least want, if not purchase, one].

The phone wouldn’t be all that modifiable - it essentially looks like a Lego product, and has interchangeable face plates. No adding to the phone from that Lego collection you still have stashed away…which sucks.

.:via Gizmodo->

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Posted: February 27th, 2009
at 1:32am by orangemenace

Categories: cell phones,mnp is for the children,design

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Bristol Palin: Slightly Retahded

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The daughter of a conservative evangelical christian politician saying abstinence isn’t realistic? Priceless.

But really tho, that’s why you got pregnant? Because keeping it in your pants is unrealistic? The MNP crew doesn’t practice abstinence as a rule, and we’re not all running around with babies. Hmm…I wonder why that is…oh yeah…


This chick is the poster child for teaching ‘safe’ and ‘responsible’ sex eduction in schools. Because abstinence is unrealistic - some youngins will still be gettin’ it on. The answer seems pretty simple to a ninja - teach the babies that they don’t want to be havin’ babies, and to use a condom / birth control. Shit, I’d advise giving all girls in high school ‘the pill’ like daily vitamins before abstinence as an answer to teen pregnancy [note: I don’t really think all high school girls should be on the pill, necessarily].

Also, a message to Bristol: sex isn’t simpler if you ‘wait 10 years’ - having children, however, might be. Simpler still? A trojan. Cheap, easy to get, simple to use, pretty effective.
[And for those of you who think we shouldn’t talk trash to a teenage girl - her fam decided it was cool to parade her in front of the cameras, and expect no response due to her age - which is BS]

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