Archive for the ‘robots’ Category

My Ninja Please! 9/26/07: Robot Ninjas

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Robot Ninja Disambiguation Page


Well, as further proof of the global conspiracy against ninjas, they’ve started making robots that climb trees. While I’m not at liberty to speculate on the actualy design of these robots… apparently the nasty little buggers can climb all sorts of basically vertical surfaces. Through general cunning and strength of practice, footage was obtained.

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The aim of RiSE (Robots in Scansorial Environments) is to develop a robot capable of walking on land and also crawling up vertical surfaces. And it is funded by DARPA’s Biodynotics Biologically Inspired Multifunctional Dynamic Robotics (BIODYNOTICS) Program.

Obviously such a robots could have plenty of useful applications, in search-and-rescue and space exploration, for example. But presumably it could also help you reach those really hard-to-prune branches. (via)

Hahahahaha, NOT FUNNY… we know exactly what applications DARPA [yaddadamean?] has planned for these little guysm and it’s not a laughing matter. Plus, we resent being referred to as "hard to prune branches." My Ninja, Please!


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Posted: September 26th, 2007
at 8:57am by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,robots,weaponry

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A Strat House in the Hood?


Where are you?a€A
a€oeIa€™m in the Prince Vultan Suite at the Hochstetlera€A
a€oeIs that Queen I hear playing?a€A
a€oeUm, yeah!a€A
a€oeYoua€™re with your Delta Strat brothers again, arena€™t you Tony?a€A
a€oeUm, yeah, I guess so.a€A

Lloyd Alter1, Treehugger from Toronto, assures us that there is no cause for alarm. Strat-Houses will be supported by nacelles filled with helium, rather than carried aloft by explosive hydrogen like the zeppelins of old.

the dreams of the people zapped!! no more airships you say? daaang…. check out this humour at jcwinnie

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William Rodriguez

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William Rodriguez, is a native of Puerto Rico, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State of New Jersey. On September 11, 2001, and for approximately nineteen years prior thereto, Rodriguez was employed as a maintenance worker at the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, New York.

On 9/11, Rodriguez single-handedly rescued fifteen (15) persons from the WTC, and as Rodriguez was the only person at the site with the master key to the North Tower stairwells, he bravely led firefighters up the stairwell, unlocking doors as they ascended, thereby aiding in the successful evacuation of unknown hundreds of those who survived. Rodriguez, at great risk to his own life, re-entered the Towers three times after the first, North Tower impact at about 8:46 A.M., and is believed to be the last person to exit the North Tower alive, surviving the building’s collapse by diving beneath a fire truck. After receiving medical attention at the WTC site for his injuries, Rodriguez spent the rest of 9/11 aiding as a volunteer in the rescue efforts, and at dawn the following morning, was back at Ground Zero continuing his heroic efforts.

Rodriguez lost his employment of 19 years and his means of earning a living as a direct result of the attacks on the WTC on 9/11. Deeply affected, as one might imagine, by his experiences of 9/11, Rodriguez has, in a variety of capacities and through several different organizations, worked ever since that terrible day to help others who were affected by the atrocities committed. He has continued in these labors, notwithstanding the fact that, due to the loss of his employment, he has been unable to earn a living, and was even homeless for a time.

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william911 :: via goodkarmapr

thanks to antonio for sending this

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DIGITAL MAOISM: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism

No, the problem is in the way the Wikipedia has come to be regarded and used; how it’s been elevated to such importance so quickly. And that is part of the larger pattern of the appeal of a new online collectivism that is nothing less than a resurgence of the idea that the collective is all-wise, that it is desirable to have influence concentrated in a bottleneck that can channel the collective with the most verity and force. This is different from representative democracy, or meritocracy. This idea has had dreadful consequences when thrust upon us from the extreme Right or the extreme Left in various historical periods. The fact that it’s now being re-introduced today by prominent technologists and futurists, people who in many cases I know and like, doesn’t make it any less dangerous.

read the rest of this artice by Jaron Lanier at Edge

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Posted: September 10th, 2007
at 2:08am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,web,robots,weaponry,fo' real?

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Robot Ninja in Effect

It’s about time you guys go and learn about your future robot overlords, over at RobotNinja.mnp.

Fear them or love them, they’re here.

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Posted: September 9th, 2007
at 8:22pm by black octagons

Categories: robots

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An Atlas of Radical Cartography

via criticalspatialpractice

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Posted: August 17th, 2007
at 9:45am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,robots,design

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NINJA-I (1990-1993), NINjA-II (1994-Present)

NINJA-I (1990-1993), NINJA-II (1994-). It is dangerous to inspect and perform all the operations on the exterior walls of high rise buildings and of the land bridges on high speed thoroughfares. It also requires a great deal of expense in order to install the needed scaffolding. NINJA is a wall climbing robot developed for the purpose of automating this kind of operation. Units No. 1 and 2 of both have a height of nearly 1.8 m , a left/right width of 0.5 meters, a thickness of 0.4 meters, and a main body weight of 45 kg.

continue reading at music.myninjaplease

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Posted: August 16th, 2007
at 10:40am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,robots

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Ridgemont Typologies


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Posted: August 14th, 2007
at 12:18am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,green,whips,robots,design

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Everybody has 3D Pipes

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Posted: July 28th, 2007
at 1:57am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,computers,art,web,robots,architecture,design

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