My Ninja Please! 9/26/07: Robot Ninjas

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Well, as further proof of the global conspiracy against ninjas, they’ve started making robots that climb trees. While I’m not at liberty to speculate on the actualy design of these robots… apparently the nasty little buggers can climb all sorts of basically vertical surfaces. Through general cunning and strength of practice, footage was obtained.

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The aim of RiSE (Robots in Scansorial Environments) is to develop a robot capable of walking on land and also crawling up vertical surfaces. And it is funded by DARPA’s Biodynotics Biologically Inspired Multifunctional Dynamic Robotics (BIODYNOTICS) Program.

Obviously such a robots could have plenty of useful applications, in search-and-rescue and space exploration, for example. But presumably it could also help you reach those really hard-to-prune branches. (via)

Hahahahaha, NOT FUNNY… we know exactly what applications DARPA [yaddadamean?] has planned for these little guysm and it’s not a laughing matter. Plus, we resent being referred to as "hard to prune branches." My Ninja, Please!


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Posted: September 26th, 2007
at 8:57am by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,robots,weaponry

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