Archive for the ‘business’ Category

Having trouble quitting? Nicotine levels are on the rise…

If cheap cialis pill you need financial support to pay for Bexsero, or if buy generic arcoxia you need help understanding your insurance coverage, help is available. diclofenac for order Seated stretches can be a more accessible stretching option, especially buy glyburide online for older adults who have difficulty with standing or floor zyprexa exercises. People can also try eating small amounts of dairy artane without prescription products and gradually increasing their intakes over time to see celebrex in australia if their bodies can tolerate them better. T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia find nasonex (T-PLL) is a rare, aggressive form of blood cancer affecting estradiol valerate online white blood cells called T lymphocytes. However, if symptoms do generic viagra cheap not resolve with at-home treatment, a person may consider contacting triamterene without prescription a doctor to check if they have signs of an best price for viagra underlying health condition. Orthostatic hypotension, or postural hypotension, is a atarax online cheap condition that causes a sudden drop in blood pressure when buy robaxin from us a person stands up. A doctor may also prescribe short-term advair prescription use of benzodiazepines, a group of anti-anxiety drugs, to ease anxiety.

Further proof that Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man don’t deserve ninja status:

A new report by the Massachusetts Department of Health details how the level of nicotine found in US cigarettes has risen about 10 percent in the past six years, making it hard to quit and easier to get hooked.AA The study shows a steady climb in the amount of nicotine delivered to the lungs of smokers regardless of brand, with overall nicotine yields increasing by about 10 percent. Massachusetts is one of three U.S. states to require tobacco companies to submit information about nicotine and the only state with data going back to 1998.

An excerpt: "The study found the three most popular cigarette brands with young smokers - Marlboro, Newport and Camel - delivered significantly more nicotine than they did years ago. Nicotine in Kool, a popular menthol brand, rose 20 percent. More than two-thirds of black smokers use menthol brands."

Read the whole article hereAA


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Posted: August 30th, 2006
at 10:05am by Pheezatron

Categories: hood status,life,drogas,not ninja-worthy,business,politricks

Comments: 4 comments

Getting Branded

"The manner in which we spend our money defines who we are. This theory isn’t exactly new. Thorstein Veblen conjured the phrase "conspicuous consumption" back in 1899 in his book the Theory of the Leisure Class. In this secular society of ours, where family and church once gave us a sense of belonging, identity and meaning, there is now Apple, Mercedes and Coke."

Neil Boorman decides to start a brand-free life.

Article from

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Posted: August 29th, 2006
at 12:50pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,business

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Are Your Electronics Green Enough?


The biggest names in electronics have just sat their first global exam on their green credentials. Ranked on their use of toxic chemicals and electronic waste (e-waste) policies only Dell and Nokia scraped a barely respectable score while Apple, Motorola and Lenovo flunked the test to finish bottom of the class.

Article via: Greenpeace

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Posted: August 29th, 2006
at 9:53am by black octagons

Categories: computers,green,business

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Wal-mart Is Down With Communism

"The party branch, a Communist Youth League branch and a trade union were set up earlier this month at the outlet in the northeastern rust belt city of Shenyang, a staffer in the store’s communications department said, confirming Chinese media reports."

"Like many media-shy Chinese, she gave only her surname, Liu. She would not discuss further details."

Article at abcnews.go

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Posted: August 24th, 2006
at 2:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: business

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After spending hours on myninjaplease, do you get that not-so-fresh feeling?


Well consider the USB powered butt-cooler. This thing is really for my nerd-tastic ninja brethren.
via Gizmodo

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Posted: August 24th, 2006
at 10:19am by Black Ock

Categories: computers,home,business,gear

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Merging the Worlds

"Quite simply the analogy would be, you know, you walk to the top of the hill and you walk up, and to the bottom of the hill- but in doing so you have gained energy. It really is that simplistic."

A declaration from Steorn, an Irish company that claims to have created a new law of physics- true conservation of energy. Storming into fragile waters, they have decided to challenge scientists in an ad in the Economist to prove that their technology is faulty.

Watch their proclamation- video from Steorn

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Posted: August 21st, 2006
at 11:02am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,business

Comments: 3 comments

"Free To Choose"


The entire "Free To Choose" television show from Nobel Prize winning economist, Milton Friedman. Considered the best crash course of economics to ever grace the tv box and a glipse into the mind of a wonderful buffoon.

Archive at

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Posted: August 21st, 2006
at 9:15am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,business,politricks

Comments: No comments

Flip That House: Moscow

Phil talks about how the ownership rights for the buildings he lists don’t exist, because officially, the apartments he is selling do not appear on any government tax records, and his clients are only buying the rights to develop a concrete shell. "So what am I selling?" he asks, then answers his own question "Air."

Real Estate Madness is going down in Moscow!

Article from Russiablog

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Posted: August 20th, 2006
at 8:39pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: business

Comments: 1 comment

Control The Internet With Your Mind Mannn……

Technology to control computers via your mind is here and will be effectively amazing by 2012.

From CNNMoney.

[Ed: just for the record… ninjas used such technology as early as 1985]
[Ed: Also, the artwork is by Sean Hopp.AA Click the pic to go to his page]

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Posted: August 17th, 2006
at 12:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,business

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