Archive for the ‘business’ Category

5 Kinds of Bloggers

If mirapex free delivery topical treatments are unsuccessful or rosacea symptoms are severe, healthcare xalatan generic professionals may prescribe oral medications such as doxycycline. A small online lumigan study found that infants exposed to Remicade through breast milk generic celexa sale information did not develop side effects. The procedure is minimally invasive, pharmacy ampicillin but a person will need to rest for about a buy cheap alesse (ovral l) day after the procedure to allow the sedative to wear buy cheap erythromycin off. Lyrica and tramadol Tramadol is an example of an low cost remeron opioid medication that can cause respiratory depression and sedation. They cheap lumigan can also help a person determine whether or not another drug lasix condition is causing their sleep condition. Following a heart attack, without nasonex get prescription discount the recovery process involves personalized care, lifestyle modifications, and ongoing order artane no prescription required management of risk factors. Professionals were once the only ones who.>


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Evolution of the MBA

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Posted: April 28th, 2011
at 3:51pm by mnp

Categories: life,too good to be true,business,mnp is for the children,"ninja",education

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Eating Healthily for $3 a Day

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Eat a variety of fresh, unprocessed foods. Focus mostly on produce and, if you’re an omnivore, choose high-quality meats.

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Posted: April 28th, 2011
at 8:35am by mnp

Categories: business,weaponry,grub,development,health

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Shopify’s Build-A-Business Contest

Last year’s contest was responsible for helping create almost 1,400 businesses which accounted for 66,503 total orders and over $3.5 million in revenue. The winner of last year’s contest was San Francisco’s DODOcase - a company that makes stylish iPad cases using traditional book-binding techniques. The founders are now running a multi-million dollar company thanks to help from Shopify.>

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Posted: April 27th, 2011
at 3:41pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,competitions,entrepreneurship

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Manor Economics : Digital Peasants

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The Huffington Post sale has caused some "digital peasants" to become restless:

The same writers who were happy to contribute for free before the sale are now accusing the publication of turning them into "modern-day slaves on Arianna Huffington’s plantation." The suit claims that about 9,000 people wrote for the Huffington Post on an unpaid basis, and it argues that their writings helped contribute about a third of the sale value of the site. These bloggers weren’t paid a single penny in the sale—the money went mostly to Huffington and a few investors.>

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Posted: April 27th, 2011
at 2:01pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,"ninja",et cetera,development,blogs

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Introducing the Paying Pirate

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For the past decade or so, we’ve been cultivating a new completely new generation of consumers.  Consumers who are used to having everything at their disposal.  A generation who saw the maturation of the .mp3 and who waited 20 minutes to download a 4 minute song on Napster.  We’ve bred a generation who watches millions of hours of free video on YouTube and utilize platforms like Skype to make voice (and video) calls to family across the country at no charge.  Essentially, it’s a generation who feels entitled to most everything and expects to pay nothing for it.

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Posted: April 26th, 2011
at 9:45pm by mnp

Categories: web,business

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Demand Based Parking Pricing

San Francisco and parking have never been a great mix, nor has parking there been cheap. A new proposal to make it easier to park could have drivers paying $18 an hour at a street meter. This week, people’s parking habits could be changing. "We’re really excited about this new project, SF Park. we’ll be launching it on the 21st," said Nathaniel Ford, spokesman for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency SF Park is a two-year federally-funded experiment. The idea is to use demand-based pricing to influence where and when people park. The goal is to reduce traffic on the street.

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Posted: April 26th, 2011
at 9:02am by mnp

Categories: business,whips

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How Much Time Do Scientists Spend on Obtaining Grants?

Computer scientist Matt Welsh said that one reason he left Harvard for Google was that he was spending 40% of his time chasing grants. (Source)

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Posted: April 25th, 2011
at 5:04pm by mnp

Categories: business,science,education

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Innovation : Baking a Cake for America

David Muchow, the President and CEO of SkyBuilt Power, shared an article of his with me in which he lays out his vision of how the U.S. can foster green innovation.

Entitled "How to Bake the Green Technology Cake: The Missing Key to Technology Innovation," the article analogizes the process of getting an invention from conception to marketplace to that of baking a cake.

For small inventors, in particular, Muchow observes that the necessary ingredients are scattered, the cook takes too long, and oftentimes there’s no oven. So he lays out three steps for baking the "innovation cake."

The Ingredients: According to the article, the necessary ingredients - funding, legal advice, business advice, industry knowledge, customers - have to be collected from many different sources.

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Posted: April 25th, 2011
at 1:01pm by mnp

Categories: green,business,mnp is for the children,weaponry,development,blogs,internets,entrepreneurship,innovation

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